SobranDM / foundryvtt-wwn

GNU General Public License v3.0
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OSR Time Tracking #4

Open SobranDM opened 2 years ago

SobranDM commented 2 years ago

Simple OSR time tracker. Three buttons to advance time (Turn, Hour, Day), plus an additional button that opens a dialog box to advance time an arbitrary amount.

Ability to set events to happen every X Turns (or Hours), with a given chance (1 in 6 or 25 in 100). When triggered the event either outputs text to chat (Leeroy's torch has burnt out) or rolls a linked table. Each entry should have the option of being visible to only GMs or to all.

Ability to save and load presets of the above events in order to easily switch between Dungeoneering and Wilderness or different dungeons and so on.

Add "End Scene" and "End Day" buttons that resets committed effort for all spellcasters.