Consider some sort of roll-off mechanic for unique/magic items? Must research.
Consider integrating Loot Sheet directly into Party Sheet instead of an actor type. Party sheet could display total of wealth currently carried/looted, including treasures.
Button on Party Sheet would display Loot Sheet, with more details:
Include auto-calc table for coin and who is carrying how much. Needs to auto-correct coin entered for a given PC if amount entered is above amount remaining to be carried.
Items important enough to be community property (treasure, magic items not yet distributed) displayed as list. Treasure items included in total wealth calculation.
Button below or next to each PC, similar to visibility button, to eliminate that PC from calculations. Useful if character loses their backpack or character (and backpack) fall down a pit and cannot be retrieved.
Button to distribute all community coin to characters on party sheet, similar to XP distribution. Add separate treasure% field to tweaks, to function identically to XP%. Options to: include/exclude treasure items from distribution or to value treasure items at a % of true value.
Button next to non-treasure items to "gamble off" an item to party (use FG research here).
Consult FG implementation for ideas.
Consider some sort of roll-off mechanic for unique/magic items? Must research.