Social-Evolution-and-Behavior / anTraX

anTraX: high throughput tracking of color-tagged insects
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error while running validate #3

Open ppswaroopa opened 3 years ago

ppswaroopa commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to run antrx on demo data. I'm getting errors in the 'validate' step. When I run this command there's some error.

USR@COMPUTER:~/Documents/anTraX-data$ antrax validate JS16 16:34:45 -I- Reading video information from file Unrecognized method, property, or field 'cla' for class 'matlab.ui.control.UIAxes'.

Error in validate_tracking/show_next (line 83) app.ImageAxes.cla;

Error in validate_tracking/set_experiment (line 351) show_next(app);

Error in validate_tracking/startupFcn (line 429) set_experiment(app, Trck, p.Results.session)

Error using matlab.apps.internal.GraphicsCallbackProxy/runCallbackFunction (line 23) Error while evaluating GraphicsCallbackProxy CallbackFcn. Please help.

asafgal commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for trying out anTraX!

Are you using a licensed matlab installation, or matlab mcr? Which matlab version are you using?

ppswaroopa commented 3 years ago

I've MATLAB licensed and MCR. I installed MCR 2019a as mentioned in the installation guide. I also have MATLAB 2020b full license installed in my Ubuntu system.

asafgal commented 3 years ago

It seems anTraX is using your 2020b installation (for some reason matlab removed the cla() method from the uiaxes class).

If you have full installation of 2019a, make sure to install the python engine of that version into your anTraX python environment. You don't need the MCR in that case.

If you are using the matlab MCR, make sure your environment variables in your bash profile point to the correct path:

export ANTRAX_MCR=<full path to MCR installation>
export ANTRAX_PATH=<full path to anTraX repository>
export ANTRAX_USE_MCR=True

Don't forget to use source ~/.profile after changing the bash profile.