Social-Evolution-and-Behavior / anTraX

anTraX: high throughput tracking of color-tagged insects
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Solve step 2 Non-binary MAT file #38

Open lizimai opened 2 years ago

lizimai commented 2 years ago

Hi! I am running antrax solve step 2 and encountering the problem that some graphs cannot be load. I have 6 colonies in each movie. The previous steps: track and classification were all normal.

My command for step 2:

bsub -n 4 -W 4:00 -J "s2_c5s[1-238:1]" -R "rusage[mem=6144]" 'antrax solve /cluster/scratch/galciatore/Nema_3/cam5 --movlist $LSB_JOBINDEX --step 2'

The graph did exists and the size of the graph seems normal, however after solve step 2 the file turns empty. Graph file before solve step 2 (I duplicated it and saved it in another folder)

(anTraX) [galciatore@eu-login-02 cam5_before_solve]$ ls -l graphs/C5/graph_5_5.mat
-rw-r----- 1 galciatore galciatore-group 41229 Mar 22 12:06 graphs/C5/graph_5_5.mat

Not all colonies failed in the solve step 2, for example colony 1 were finished.

(anTraX) [galciatore@eu-login-02 logs]$ grep -rHnoL "Done" matlab_*.log

The error message in matlab_solve_g_1_c_3.log

18:12:09 -I- Loading trgraph from antrax/graphs/C3/graph_26_26.mat
18:12:11 -I- Loading trgraph from antrax/graphs/C3/graph_27_27.mat
18:12:13 -I- Loading trgraph from antrax/graphs/C3/graph_28_28.mat
18:12:17 -I- Loading trgraph from antrax/graphs/C3/graph_29_29.mat
18:12:20 -I- Loading trgraph from antrax/graphs/C3/graph_30_30.mat
18:12:21 -I- Loading trgraph from antrax/graphs/C3/graph_31_31.mat
18:12:22 -I- Loading trgraph from antrax/graphs/C3/graph_32_32.mat
18:12:25 -I- Loading trgraph from antrax/graphs/C3/graph_33_33.mat
18:12:29 -I- Loading trgraph from antrax/graphs/C3/graph_34_34.mat
Error using load
Cannot read file /cluster/scratch/galciatore/Nema_3/cam5/antrax/graphs/C3/graph_34_34.mat.
Error in trgraph.load (line 880)

Error in trhandles/loaddata (line 609)

Error in solve_across_movies (line 70)

Error in antrax_mcr_interface (line 53)
asafgal commented 2 years ago

Hi Zimai, sorry for the delayed reply. Just to make sure I got your problem right: the mat file is ok after step 1 (did you try loading it manually to matlab?), but while running step 2 the file cannot be loaded and get corrupted?

lizimai commented 2 years ago

Hi Asaf, sorry that I also lost track. Indeed this is the case. I also did try loading it manually to matlab after step 1 and it worked.

asafgal commented 2 years ago

Not sure what can be the issue. My suggestion is to try running step two in debug mode, and slowly converge on the problematic point where the file gets corrupted.

lizimai commented 2 years ago

Hi Asaf, thanks again for your response! Could you tell how to run the step in debug mode? I cannot find it in the documentation.

janamach commented 1 year ago

@lizimai In case it's still relevant, one way to turn on the debug mode is to run the following command in the terminal window before you execute the antrax command: