Social-Evolution-and-Behavior / anTraX

anTraX: high throughput tracking of color-tagged insects
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Classifying issues #44

Open yugoseko opened 9 months ago

yugoseko commented 9 months ago


I have installed anTrax and run antrax configure <expdir> to display the application window, but the "Classification" tab does not exist. Is this a problem?

スクリーンショット 2023-10-03 15 38 47

Additionally, when I run antrax extract-trainset <expdir>, the Classifier application window only appears momentarily (the app exits immediately). There is no error massage on command line. The same symptoms appear when I set the “JS16” demo file as . Since I’m using the same as when I ran antrax configure, it is unlikely that the file path is incorrect. I would be very happy to receive any information that would solve the above problem!

yohann-chemtob commented 8 months ago

Hello @yugoseko Can you give me more information on your system and on the anTraX version you are using?

yugoseko commented 8 months ago

Hello @yohann-chemtob I am using MacBook Pro (Monterey12.5, 2.3GHz, 8core, Intel Core i9, 64GB memory) and anTraX ver. 1.0.2.

After installing anTraX in a new virtual environment, I am now able to run antrax extract-trainset <expdir> successfully using the "JS16" deom data. However, I cannot successfully run the command with my data in the new virtual environment.

yohann-chemtob commented 7 months ago

Did the new install fix the missing Classification tab in anTraX configure? Also did 'track' worked in your data?

yugoseko commented 7 months ago

The Classification tab does not exist also in the reinstalled anTraX.

However, I was able to resolve the error that antrax extract-trainset could not be run by myself. The error was caused by a mismatch between the duration and nframes*fps contained in movies_info.txt.

After resolving the error, I can use anTraX without any problems including antrax track.

yohann-chemtob commented 7 months ago

I can't reproduce the missing Classification tab. Can you give me the Matlab version and the git branch of anTraX you are using?

yugoseko commented 7 months ago

I'm using MATLAB Runtime_R2019a and the master branch of anTraX.

I think anTraX in my environment is working normally, except that the Classification tab does not exist.