SocialGouv / domifa

Faciliter l'accès aux droits pour les personnes sans domicile stable, en simplifiant la gestion de la domiciliation
Apache License 2.0
14 stars 10 forks source link

feat(admin): add matomo #3362

Closed pYassine closed 2 weeks ago

pYassine commented 2 weeks ago

feat(admin): filter only socialgouv emails fix(common): delete labels

github-advanced-security[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This pull request sets up GitHub code scanning for this repository. Once the scans have completed and the checks have passed, the analysis results for this pull request branch will appear on this overview. Once you merge this pull request, the 'Security' tab will show more code scanning analysis results (for example, for the default branch). Depending on your configuration and choice of analysis tool, future pull requests will be annotated with code scanning analysis results. For more information about GitHub code scanning, check out the documentation.

socket-security[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

New and removed dependencies detected. Learn more about Socket for GitHub ↗︎

Package New capabilities Transitives Size Publisher
npm/@babel/runtime@7.24.4 None +1 290 kB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@commitlint/cli@19.3.0 Transitive: environment, filesystem, shell, unsafe +36 1.3 MB escapedcat
npm/@commitlint/config-conventional@19.2.2 Transitive: filesystem +7 97.7 kB escapedcat
npm/@npmcli/node-gyp@3.0.0 filesystem 0 1.87 kB lukekarrys
npm/@npmcli/promise-spawn@7.0.0 environment, shell Transitive: filesystem +2 62.3 kB npm-cli-ops
npm/@npmcli/run-script@7.0.2 environment, filesystem Transitive: shell +4 1.79 MB npm-cli-ops
npm/@nx/devkit@17.1.3 environment, filesystem, shell, unsafe +1 165 kB nrwl-jason
npm/@octokit/types@9.3.2 None +1 4.45 MB octokitbot
npm/@socialgouv/sre-secrets@1.14.5 Transitive: environment, filesystem +9 572 kB socialgroovybot
npm/@types/node@20.11.19 None +1 4.07 MB types
npm/ajv@8.12.0 eval Transitive: unsafe +3 1.52 MB esp
npm/app-root-path@3.1.0 environment, unsafe 0 15 kB inxilpro
npm/ci-info@3.8.0 environment 0 25.8 kB sibiraj-s
npm/cliui@7.0.4 None +1 41.2 kB oss-bot
npm/clone-deep@4.0.1 None +2 24.4 kB jonschlinkert
npm/conventional-changelog-angular@7.0.0 filesystem +4 33.1 kB oss-bot
npm/dateformat@3.0.3 None 0 15 kB doowb
npm/domifa@0.0.0-use.local None 0 0 B
npm/ejs@3.1.10 eval, filesystem Transitive: environment, shell +3 1.15 MB mde
npm/enquirer@2.3.6 environment 0 197 kB jonschlinkert
npm/eslint-config-prettier@9.1.0 None 0 20.8 kB lydell
npm/execa@8.0.1 environment +10 248 kB ehmicky
npm/fast-glob@3.3.2 filesystem 0 96.7 kB mrmlnc
npm/figures@3.2.0 None +1 14.8 kB sindresorhus
npm/find-up@7.0.0 None +2 24.1 kB sindresorhus
npm/fs-extra@11.1.1 None +1 64.1 kB ryanzim
npm/husky@9.0.10 environment, filesystem, shell 0 3.61 kB typicode
npm/import-local@3.1.0 None +2 14.4 kB sindresorhus
npm/inquirer@8.2.6 Transitive: environment +4 147 kB sboudrias
npm/is-ci@3.0.1 None 0 3.81 kB sibiraj-s
npm/jest-diff@29.7.0 None 0 78.5 kB simenb
npm/lerna@8.0.1 Transitive: environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +117 27 MB jameshenry
npm/lint-staged@15.2.2 Transitive: environment +1 568 kB okonet
npm/locate-path@7.2.0 None +1 14.5 kB sindresorhus
npm/make-dir@4.0.0 filesystem 0 9.91 kB sindresorhus
npm/minimatch@3.0.5 None 0 34 kB isaacs
npm/multimatch@5.0.0 None +1 9.2 kB sindresorhus
npm/node-fetch@2.6.7 network 0 152 kB endless
npm/node-talisman@1.29.10 environment, filesystem 0 62 kB pgmanutd
npm/normalize-package-data@3.0.3 None +1 52.3 kB gar
npm/npm-package-arg@8.1.1 None +1 42.1 kB nlf
npm/npm-registry-fetch@14.0.5 environment, filesystem, network +2 58.5 kB npm-cli-ops
npm/npmlog@6.0.2 None 0 17.1 kB lukekarrys
npm/nx@17.1.3 environment, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +2 2.66 MB nrwl-jason
npm/onetime@5.1.2 None +1 10.6 kB sindresorhus
npm/ora@5.4.1 None 0 23.2 kB sindresorhus
npm/p-reduce@2.1.0 None 0 6.14 kB sindresorhus
npm/pacote@17.0.5 environment, filesystem, network +3 115 kB npm-cli-ops
npm/parse-json@5.2.0 None +2 21.2 kB sindresorhus
npm/prettier@3.3.2 environment, filesystem, unsafe 0 8.25 MB prettier-bot
npm/protocols@2.0.1 None 0 9.29 kB ionicabizau
npm/read-package-json@6.0.4 filesystem 0 20.6 kB npm-cli-ops
npm/resolve@1.22.4 environment, filesystem 0 145 kB ljharb
npm/rimraf@4.4.1 environment, filesystem 0 284 kB isaacs
npm/rimraf@5.0.7 environment, filesystem 0 281 kB isaacs
npm/ssri@9.0.1 None +1 52.3 kB nlf
npm/string-width@4.2.3 None +2 58.4 kB sindresorhus
npm/strip-ansi@6.0.1 None +1 9.64 kB sindresorhus
npm/strong-log-transformer@2.1.0 filesystem 0 16.4 kB rmg
npm/tar@6.1.11 environment, filesystem +1 175 kB isaacs
npm/tmp@0.2.1 filesystem 0 52.9 kB raszi
npm/validate-npm-package-name@5.0.0 None 0 7.88 kB lukekarrys
npm/yargs@17.7.2 environment, filesystem +5 382 kB oss-bot
npm/zone.js@0.14.7 None 0 2.07 MB google-wombot

🚮 Removed packages: npm/@aashutoshrathi/word-wrap@1.2.6, npm/@babel/helper-environment-visitor@7.22.20, npm/@babel/helper-plugin-utils@7.22.5, npm/@bcoe/v8-coverage@0.2.3, npm/@colors/colors@1.5.0, npm/@esbuild/aix-ppc64@0.20.2, npm/@eslint-community/eslint-utils@4.4.0, npm/@eslint-community/regexpp@4.10.0, npm/@gar/promisify@1.1.3, npm/@jridgewell/gen-mapping@0.3.3, npm/@jridgewell/resolve-uri@3.1.1, npm/@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@1.4.15, npm/@lukeed/csprng@1.1.0, npm/@npmcli/fs@3.1.0, npm/@pkgr/core@0.1.1, npm/@polka/url@1.0.0-next.21, npm/@popperjs/core@2.11.8, npm/@protobufjs/aspromise@1.1.2, npm/@sinonjs/text-encoding@0.7.2, npm/@types/estree@1.0.5, npm/@types/google-libphonenumber@7.4.30, npm/@types/json-schema@7.0.12, npm/abab@2.0.6, npm/accepts@1.3.8, npm/acorn-jsx@5.3.2, npm/acorn-walk@7.2.0, npm/agentkeepalive@4.3.0, npm/any-promise@1.3.0, npm/anymatch@3.1.3, npm/archiver@5.3.1, npm/assert-plus@1.0.0, npm/base64-js@1.5.1, npm/bl@4.1.0, npm/boolean@3.2.0, npm/buffer-crc32@0.2.13, npm/busboy@1.6.0, npm/cjs-module-lexer@1.2.3, npm/colorette@2.0.20, npm/combined-stream@1.0.8, npm/console-control-strings@1.1.0, npm/content-type@1.0.5, npm/convert-source-map@1.9.0, npm/d3-selection@3.0.0, npm/debug@4.3.4, npm/decimal.js@10.4.3, npm/deep-is@0.1.4, npm/depd@2.0.0, npm/detect-newline@3.1.0, npm/domelementtype@2.3.0, npm/duplexer@0.1.2, npm/encoding@0.1.13, npm/end-of-stream@1.4.4, npm/entities@4.5.0, npm/escape-html@1.0.3, npm/eslint-scope@5.1.1, npm/eslint-visitor-keys@3.4.3, npm/espree@9.6.1, npm/estraverse@5.3.0, npm/events@3.3.0, npm/extsprintf@1.3.0, npm/fast-json-stable-stringify@2.1.0, npm/fast-levenshtein@2.0.6, npm/follow-redirects@1.15.6, npm/fsevents@2.3.3, npm/globals@11.12.0, npm/google-libphonenumber@3.2.34, npm/has-bigints@1.0.2, npm/has-symbols@1.0.3, npm/http-cache-semantics@4.1.1, npm/ieee754@1.2.1, npm/is-callable@1.2.7, npm/is-docker@2.2.1, npm/is-map@2.0.2, npm/is-plain-obj@1.1.0, npm/is-set@2.0.2, npm/isarray@1.0.0, npm/istanbul-lib-coverage@3.2.0, npm/json5@2.2.3, npm/lodash.isequal@4.5.0, npm/methods@1.1.2, npm/mime-db@1.52.0, npm/mime-types@2.1.35, npm/mime@1.6.0, npm/minipass-fetch@3.0.3, npm/minipass-pipeline@1.2.4, npm/minizlib@2.1.2, npm/mkdirp@1.0.4, npm/mrmime@1.0.1, npm/ms@2.1.2, npm/nanoid@3.3.7, npm/negotiator@0.6.3, npm/normalize-path@3.0.0, npm/object-assign@4.1.1, npm/object-inspect@1.13.1, npm/obuf@1.1.2, npm/on-finished@2.4.1, npm/pako@1.0.11, npm/parseurl@1.3.3, npm/path-scurry@1.10.1, npm/pg-protocol@1.6.0, npm/postcss-selector-parser@6.0.13, npm/postcss-value-parser@4.2.0, npm/postgres-array@2.0.0, npm/postgres-bytea@1.0.0, npm/postgres-date@1.0.7, npm/postgres-interval@1.2.0, npm/prettier@2.8.8, npm/psl@1.9.0, npm/punycode@2.3.0, npm/range-parser@1.2.1, npm/reflect-metadata@0.1.13, npm/set-blocking@2.0.0, npm/shell-quote@1.8.1, npm/source-map-js@1.0.2, npm/string_decoder@1.3.0, npm/strip-json-comments@3.1.1, npm/tapable@2.2.1, npm/tar-stream@2.2.0, npm/text-table@0.2.0, npm/tree-kill@1.2.2, npm/tweetnacl@0.14.5, npm/type-detect@4.0.8, npm/type-is@1.6.18, npm/underscore@1.13.6, npm/unpipe@1.0.0, npm/utils-merge@1.0.1, npm/vary@1.1.2, npm/webpack-sources@3.2.3, npm/wide-align@1.1.5, npm/ws@7.5.9, npm/xtend@4.0.2

View full report↗︎

socket-security[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

🚨 Potential security issues detected. Learn more about Socket for GitHub ↗︎

To accept the risk, merge this PR and you will not be notified again.

Alert Package Note
Install scripts npm/nx@17.1.3
  • Install script: postinstall
  • Source: node ./bin/post-install

View full report↗︎

Next steps

What is an install script?

Install scripts are run when the package is installed. The majority of malware in npm is hidden in install scripts.

Packages should not be running non-essential scripts during install and there are often solutions to problems people solve with install scripts that can be run at publish time instead.

Take a deeper look at the dependency

Take a moment to review the security alert above. Review the linked package source code to understand the potential risk. Ensure the package is not malicious before proceeding. If you're unsure how to proceed, reach out to your security team or ask the Socket team for help at support [AT] socket [DOT] dev.

Remove the package

If you happen to install a dependency that Socket reports as Known Malware you should immediately remove it and select a different dependency. For other alert types, you may may wish to investigate alternative packages or consider if there are other ways to mitigate the specific risk posed by the dependency.

Mark a package as acceptable risk

To ignore an alert, reply with a comment starting with @SocketSecurity ignore followed by a space separated list of ecosystem/package-name@version specifiers. e.g. @SocketSecurity ignore npm/foo@1.0.0 or ignore all packages with @SocketSecurity ignore-all

  • @SocketSecurity ignore npm/nx@17.1.3
sonarcloud[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Quality Gate Passed Quality Gate passed

0 New issues
0 Accepted issues

0 Security Hotspots
No data about Coverage
6.2% Duplication on New Code

See analysis details on SonarCloud

codecov-commenter commented 2 weeks ago

Codecov Report

Attention: Patch coverage is 91.30435% with 2 lines in your changes missing coverage. Please review.

Project coverage is 66.44%. Comparing base (7f8639e) to head (795bb87). Report is 2 commits behind head on master.

:exclamation: Your organization needs to install the Codecov GitHub app to enable full functionality.

Additional details and impacted files [![Impacted file tree graph](]( ```diff @@ Coverage Diff @@ ## master #3362 +/- ## ========================================== - Coverage 66.49% 66.44% -0.06% ========================================== Files 905 907 +2 Lines 15074 15093 +19 Branches 2198 2206 +8 ========================================== + Hits 10024 10029 +5 - Misses 4741 4756 +15 + Partials 309 308 -1 ``` | [Files]( | Coverage Δ | | |---|---|---| | [...src/\_common/mocks/POST\_USER\_STRUCTURE\_BODY.mock.ts]( | `100.00% <ø> (ø)` | | | [...tail-admin-login/portail-admin-login.controller.ts]( | `100.00% <100.00%> (ø)` | | | [...ests/\_core/constants/TESTS\_USERS\_STRUCTURE.mock.ts]( | `100.00% <ø> (ø)` | | | [packages/backend/src/auth/decorators/index.ts]( | `100.00% <100.00%> (ø)` | | | [...vices/interaction/interactionRepository.service.ts]( | `85.07% <ø> (-0.22%)` | :arrow_down: | | [...backend/src/users/dto/structure-admin-login.dto.ts]( | `100.00% <100.00%> (ø)` | | | [.../frontend/src/\_common/mocks/USER\_STRUCTURE.mock.ts]( | `100.00% <ø> (ø)` | | | [...nents/structure-stats/structure-stats.component.ts]( | `53.71% <100.00%> (-9.10%)` | :arrow_down: | | [.../auth/decorators/is-social-gouv-email.decorator.ts]( | `83.33% <83.33%> (ø)` | | ... and [2 files with indirect coverage changes]( ------ [Continue to review full report in Codecov by Sentry]( > **Legend** - [Click here to learn more]( > `Δ = absolute (impact)`, `ø = not affected`, `? = missing data` > Powered by [Codecov]( Last update [7f8639e...795bb87]( Read the [comment docs](
github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

🎉 Deployment for commit 795bb87356dfed54ca8d870e4d3d0a93f63f2a4e :

Ingresses - 🚀 []( - 🚀 []( - 🚀 []( - 🚀 []( - 🚀 []( - 🚀 [](
Docker images - 📦 docker pull - 📦 docker pull - 📦 docker pull - 📦 docker pull
Debug - [📕 Loki logs for namespace domifa-fix-run-app](,%22now%22,%22Loki%22,%7B%22expr%22:%22%7Bnamespace%3D%5C%22domifa-fix-run-app%5C%22%7D%22%7D%5D) - [📈 Pods monitoring for namespace domifa-fix-run-app]( - [📈 Workloads monitoring for namespace domifa-fix-run-app]( - [🐘 CNPG pg](
SocialGroovyBot commented 2 weeks ago

:tada: This PR is included in version 2.170.0 :tada:

The release is available on GitHub release

Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket: