SocialiteProviders / Providers

A Collection of Providers for Laravel Socialite
MIT License
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Driver [apple] not supported #1235

Open awaegel-rm opened 2 weeks ago

awaegel-rm commented 2 weeks ago

I'm trying to get external authentication to work on my Laravel 10 website.

I've installed Laravel Socialite and got the built-in Google sign-in method to work without too much effort.

In order to get Apple sign-in to work, I've installed the Apple Socialite provider ( and followed all the configuration instructions, but when my controller tries to handle the Socialite redirect:

return Socialite::driver('apple')->redirect();

...I get the error:

Driver [apple] not supported.

Here's the in addition to the basic Socialite setup, here's the Apple-specific configuration I've done so far:

I know this is a simple mistake - anyone see this before and figured it out? Found some older similar posts but they didn't work for me.


awaegel-rm commented 2 weeks ago

'artisan event:clear' fixed this up - events were being cached which apparently kept changes to app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php from being read.