SocketCluster / socketcluster-client

JavaScript client for SocketCluster
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Think about: Should subscribeFail trigger an error on the socket? #88

Open jondubois opened 6 years ago

jondubois commented 6 years ago

Right now, 'subscribeFail' does not trigger an error on the socket and it is seen as independent from the socket itself. Maybe this behaviour should change?

odenktools commented 6 years ago

hai jondobois,

please add subscribe:succeeded from serverside, because if you develop an clientdriver 'subscribe success' has no callback.

maybe callback like pusher. Pusher has pusher:subscription_succeeded, pusher:subscription_error, etc

what do you think? thanks

jondubois commented 6 years ago

@odenktools The server-side socket has a 'subscribe' event which triggers when the subscription succeeds (same as client socket).!/docs/api-scsocket-server

You can also use the server 'subscription' event on the SCServer object to listen to subscriptions from a central place (that way you don't need to attach event handlers to individual sockets)!/docs/api-scserver

Also note that the subscription cannot fail once it hits the server (that's why there is no server-side 'subscribeFail' event); the subscription can only fail if it is blocked by the user's own middleware; but in that case the user can emit their own error events if they want.

odenktools commented 6 years ago

yes on server-side has subscription event, but you must emit custom callback again right?

example my client-driver: var pongChannel = socket.subscribe('pong');

Server side

scServer.on('connection', function (socket) { socket.on('subscription', function (data) { socket.emit('subscription:subscription_succeeded', 'subscription_succeeded') }); });

jondubois commented 6 years ago

@odenktools When listening on the server-side socket, it is 'subscribe'. 'subscription' is when it is emitted on the server (the arguments are different). You don't need to emit a succeeded event from the server like this, you can just listen directly to the 'subscribe' event on the client-side socket.

odenktools commented 6 years ago

Currently i am build client-driver for java (android) .. client driver base on pusher java libraries .. its running very well on my android project. but when i make #subscribe event on client driver it does not happen any response on my client driver . So on my serverside, im create custom callback like client: subscribesucess.

you can see @sacOO7 libraries

we dont have any subscribe_success event. we only

thanks anyway .. maybe its out of topics. Sorry for bad english