SocksTheWolf / AntiScamBot

A discord bot that shares commission scammer ban lists
MIT License
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Prepare for migration to other cloud services #10

Closed SocksTheWolf closed 9 months ago

SocksTheWolf commented 9 months ago

Currently we are on digital ocean. This is fine, but because we are python, memory is going to start jumping up overtime. Currently, DigitalOcean counts the memory usage of the OS against you, which is less than ideal because the OS uses about 30% of the 512MB plan we are on (verified via top before running app)

With 18 servers active and 21 in, we have a total of 38% usage of our RAM.

We are good for the next few months as we have free digital ocean credits, but we’ll want to move to railways as it gives us 8GB of RAM.

This will require the following changes:

Eventually, we will want to have the database move over to a db managed instance, but that can be for a different time.

SocksTheWolf commented 9 months ago

Part of this was actually already done (finding the config file). Thus, the only thing that needed to be done was adding the bans db lookup to the .env