SocksTheWolf / AntiScamBot

A discord bot that shares commission scammer ban lists
MIT License
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Add thread link information to ban data #36

Open SocksTheWolf opened 9 months ago

SocksTheWolf commented 9 months ago

Specifically, this should add either a new few columns into the banned accounts table or should be an entire separate table.

The goal of this is to populate the information with links to report threads (store a list of thread ids, not the actual links). The bot can resolve those thread ids when it generates said embed data.

user4752 commented 9 months ago

once #39 has been confirmed, this can be easily done in a v3 database migration and can be done in multiple ways;

one example is a basic one-to-many table with a relationship between an entry in the ban table referencing a discord user id to a thread id, with multiple entries, one per unique thread / reporter.

Depending on intentions this can be a forced relationship, thus requiring a ban to exist prior to the linked threads, or a separate object which would allow reported thread ids to be referenced to a user id without a ban needing to exist.

SocksTheWolf commented 9 months ago

Based on potential usage cases so far, I think an implementation would not require the userid in question to be on the ban list, as we could have suspicious reports about a user without them being banned.

user4752 commented 6 months ago

With remote reporting with evidence now available, and the data being posted into ConfigData['ReportChannel'] via BotMain: PostScamReport(), is this issue still something which needs to be stored in the database?

SocksTheWolf commented 1 month ago

I think this would still be good to be able to present information on the scammers and would also increase trust among server operators.