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ABM Resources #5

Open chengjun opened 3 years ago

chengjun commented 3 years ago

Agent-Based Modeling

“Agent-Based” Modelling Resources with netlogo models for many of the most recent papers in AJS and ASR that use ABM (Most of these are authored by James Kitts and his students- thanks James!)

Chris Bail also searched through the Modelling Commons in order to pick out some interesting social science models and put them in a folder entitled: “Random Social Science Agent Based Models that are not in the Models Library.”- Thank Chris!

There are many more models within the Modelling Commons:

chengjun commented 3 years ago


chengjun commented 3 years ago


it makes my day.

chengjun commented 3 years ago

Michael Macy - “Network Structure and the Diffusion of Religious and Normative Pathogens"

chengjun commented 3 years ago

Schelling's Model of Segregation Frank McCown

chengjun commented 3 years ago


chengjun commented 3 years ago

Macy, M. W., & Willer, R. (2002). From factors to actors: Computational sociology and agent-based modeling. Annual review of sociology, 28(1), 143-166. Centola, D., Willer, R., & Macy, M. (2005). The emperor’s dilemma: A computational model of self-enforcing norms. American Journal of Sociology, 110(4), 1009-1040. Flache, A., & Macy, M. W. (2011). Small worlds and cultural polarization. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 35(1-3), 146-176. Macy, M., Deri, S., Ruch, A., & Tong, N. (2019). Opinion cascades and the unpredictability of partisan polarization. Science advances, 5(8), eaax0754.

wxzher commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your sharing!