SofieVG / FlowSOM

Using self-organizing maps for visualization and interpretation of cytometry data
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FlowSOM fails after CytoNorm #33

Closed vivek-verma202 closed 4 years ago

vivek-verma202 commented 4 years ago

Hi Sofie, Thank-you for FlowSOM! I was able to successfully run FlowSOM on the raw data but failed when the fcs files were normalized using CytoNorm. I believe, this error is because of introductions of NAs. How can I debug / circumvent this?

     sce <- cluster(sce, features = "type",
     +                xdim = 10, ydim = 10, maxK = 10,
     +                verbose = T, seed = 1)
     > o running FlowSOM clustering...
     > Error in SOM(fsom$data[, colsToUse], silent = silent, ...) : 
     > NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)

By default,

     > options("na.action")
     [1] "na.omit"

am using R v4.0.0 and FlowSOM v1.20.0

Thanks a lot! Vivek

vivek-verma202 commented 4 years ago

The issue was:

> sum( is.infinite(assay(sce, "exprs")) )
[1] 79
> mean( colSums( is.infinite(assay(sce, "exprs")) ) > 0)
[1] 5.214521e-06

It was fixed by:

sce <- filterSCE(sce, colSums(is.infinite(assay(sce, "exprs"))) == 0)

Detailed troubleshooting is here