SofieVG / FlowSOM

Using self-organizing maps for visualization and interpretation of cytometry data
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Speedup when threshold < 1 #47

Open SamGG opened 2 years ago

SamGG commented 2 years ago

Hi, I read the following code and I am wondering about the following proposal. When threshold reaches 1, only the best matching unit is updated. The loop L131-L139 looking for the nearest units below the threshold is useless. Only the calculation of the inner loop L134-L138 is needed with cd being nearest. The code at L128 is a weird shortcut IMHO. With the default parameters (grid xdim = ydim = 10, radius is 6), the gain applies in the last 2 loops out of 10 (rlen = 10). Let me know if there is something I misunderstood.