To provide easier setup for users, wrap everything in a single executable (like an installer).
It should:
ask user where to install
ask user's language
(maybe ask any other information needed for the solution, and store it somewhere for reference)
"unwrap" the base of the project: curl, unzip, mc launcher? (could be downloaded), etc...
download & install java
(Download mc launcher ?)
download & install MultiMC
--> maybe get rid of the batch files lying around everywhere & find another way to install ??
-> Allow the installer to run in two stages: 1.offline part; part.
Offline part should be able to "re-run" without issue (if it has already been done before)
Online part should be able to inform the user when it fails due to the user being offline, and not ruin the offline part work if it fails.
To provide easier setup for users, wrap everything in a single executable (like an installer). It should: OFFLINE:
-> Allow the installer to run in two stages: 1.offline part; part. Offline part should be able to "re-run" without issue (if it has already been done before) Online part should be able to inform the user when it fails due to the user being offline, and not ruin the offline part work if it fails.