SoftCreatR / imei

IMEI - ImageMagick Easy Install
ISC License
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How to clean up after installation? ImageMagick installation consumes 1.3GB of space #116

Closed boryn closed 3 months ago

boryn commented 4 months ago

I install ImageMagick in the docker container (based on ubuntu:24.04), using the standard "one-step" install

t=$(mktemp) && \
wget '' -qO "$t" && \
bash "$t" && \
rm "$t"

It installs correctly but the container swells from 500MB to a whopping 1.8GB. I just cannot believe it needs 1.3GB for ImageMagick? How to minimize the size to just have the necessary files? What could be removed?


SoftCreatR commented 4 months ago

Try installing it with checkinstall instead, then take the packages, and install them in a fresh container. By default, IMEI installs a lot of build tools, etc.

boryn commented 3 months ago

Hi @SoftCreatR

Thank you for the valuable tip!

Unfortunately I have no experience with checkinstall. Could you just give me a hint where I can find the installed packages? Should I just 'copy-paste' them into a new container?

SoftCreatR commented 3 months ago

The packages should be in BUILD_DIR, which defaults to /usr/local Moving them to the container, and installing them using dpkg, should work, yes.