SoftEtherVPN / Win10Pcap

Win10Pcap: WinPcap for Windows 10 (NDIS 6.x driver model)
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matching SDK headers to installation download #16

Open TimMilesCox opened 6 years ago

TimMilesCox commented 6 years ago

Ohayo Dr-Nobori san

There is a bit of apparent duplication in the SDK WpcapSrc_4_1_3\ when attempting to bind an application to current download Win10Pcap binaries

Which are the correct include paths in the SDK?

Is there somewhere a link-time .lib to attach the application to the .dll ?

I am aware of the recommendation not to call BPF directly, but is Packet.dll unlike the original work of Turin Polytechnical School? I suppose it must be if it interfaces to new NDIS in a new way

Greetings from Switzerland

Tim Cox République et Canton de Neuchâtel, Switzerland