SoftEtherVPN / Win10Pcap

Win10Pcap: WinPcap for Windows 10 (NDIS 6.x driver model)
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recieve side coalescing is not working after installing win10pcap. #2

Open rjapa opened 9 years ago

rjapa commented 9 years ago

We have few problems with win10pcap. Win10pcap is disabling the recieve side coalescing of the system.After we install win10pcap and giving the cmdlet get-netadapterrsc * ,we are observing the following output

Name IPv4Enabled IPv6Enabled IPv4Operational IPv6Operational IPv4FailureReason IPv6FailureR State State eason

Ethernet 3 True True False False NDISCompatibility NDISCompa...

Operational state of RSC is failed due to NDISCompatibilty which is caused by Win10pcap.

Others problems we are facing with Win10pcap are

1)Win10pcap is not capturing packets with size more than 1514 size. 2)We are also getting npf driver error while launching wireshark.

We are observing this issues on both windows 2012R2 and Windows vnext.

Please kindly help us resolving the issues.

Regards, Ranjith

hsluoyz commented 8 years ago

You would like to try Npcap: