SoftFever / OrcaSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Bambu, Prusa, Voron, VzBot, RatRig, Creality, etc.)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
5.86k stars 669 forks source link

Nightly Build: PA Profile / AMS "Factor K" selection or input issue #5692

Open Blawlz opened 1 week ago

Blawlz commented 1 week ago

Is there an existing issue for this problem?

OrcaSlicer Version

2.1.0 Beta - Nightly Build 6/8/24

Operating System (OS)


OS Version

Windows 11

Additional system information

No response


Bambulabs P1S +AMS

How to reproduce

  1. Device Tab
  2. AMS area
  3. Click "edit" icon on Filament (any slot, 1 through 4) AMS Pop-up

Actual results

"Factor K" cannot be manually entered as prior versions allowed. If a calibration is performed, the final calibration page allows input of the K factor and asks for the filament name. Once accepted, this appears to create a "PA Profile" and show the K factor in the AMS screen as before.

image image

However, the K factor cannot be changed or manually input and only the previously calibrated profile is available for selection.

Expected results

The Factor K should be editable for manual input from the AMS slot pop-up. Values for existing PA Profiles should be editable to accommodate quick changes.

I have previously recorded the K factor for my filaments on swatches. Since the PA K factor is the only tuning I perform, I do not generally save each filament separately and use the "Generic" profiles most often.

I do love the idea of having "PA profiles," but it would be beneficial to have an editable list at a minimum to avoid having to run a calibration print to re-create the previously calibrated values.

Any advice on other work arounds is appreciated. Thank you to everyone who contributes to the ongoing improvements of this slicer!

Project file & Debug log uploads

PA Profile Debug

Checklist of files to include

Anything else?

P.S. Because I have not seen this PA Profile option previously, this may be a newly added feature and this bug may be better categorized as a feature request of the new feature. I believe the behavior is more of an issue than a lack of a feature, but reassign the label if needed.