SoftStackFactory / SSWHEN

SoftStack Factory Group Project - Social Security Calculator
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Feature/dash board history modifications #133

Closed Abdul-Sayed closed 6 years ago

Abdul-Sayed commented 6 years ago

Modifications: • SsUsersProvider o Changed the name of getResultsByUser(user, token) to saveResultsByUser(user, token) since it makes an request, not an http.get request. • Register.ts o Removed unnecessary/unused imports o Added comments/console.log within the constructor, goToRegister(params) • Results.html o Included the table in an *ngIf to make sure the data arrives before rendering table • Register.ts o Made the console.logs more explanatory o Filled UserDataProvider with more of its data • Info-Input.ts o Removed CalculationsProvider since its not needed in this page o Added some comments • Info.Input.html o Removed [(ngModel)]="this.calculations$... since CalculationsProvider is not needed in this page