SoftbearStudios / mk48 ship combat game
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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mouse controls #182

Open mitm001 opened 2 years ago

mitm001 commented 2 years ago

The left and right mouse button currently select direction and speed. This is not good at all. I asked around and others said they found it annoying also.

The LMB should control firing weapons and selecting only. The RMB should only control movement.

If this is by design then I would suggest adding a new toggle under settings to allow the player to decide which button does what.

Well over half of me being sunk is caused by the control system as its very unreliable. When in reverse and firing weapons you will always wind up moving forward and turn directly towards the target which leads to being sunk. You have to repeatedly hit reverse during an attack because of this which wastes time.

A significant amount of times the mouse click does not even register when selecting weapons or firing. This also leads to being sunk as you inevitably have to spam double click to get it to work.

At first I thought it was an equipment issue but I changed out to a new mouse and the same issues persists.

finnbear commented 2 years ago

Left mouse button steering is an intentional feature aimed at improving compatibility with touch screen and touch pad devices where right mouse button is infeasible. The thing to note is that steering and firing are differentiated based on how long you hold down left mouse button. The threshold where it goes from firing to steering is 180 milliseconds.

I could see how a setting to disable left mouse button steering could be useful :)