SoftbearStudios / mk48 ship combat game
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Rocket torpedo is totally worthless #202

Open mitm001 opened 1 year ago

mitm001 commented 1 year ago

As the title states the rocket torpedo fails to even submerge 99% of the time.

We are talking broadside on an Iowa or Nimitz and all it does is crash into the side, never submerges. distance seems to make 0 difference.

They make no sense when aiming either. Its like they choose some random direction every time.

They are already extremely weak as a weapon so why make them not even submerge?

Ive spent literally HOURS trying to get them to work, no exaggeration.

If there's some trick to them it needs to become more obvious because I have failed to figure it out and I tried everything I could to make them work. On surface and submerged.

On occasion, whats extremely frustrating is they will ALL work, I mean they will all launch perfectly same direction, all submerge perfectly and all HIT the target. However there is absolutely no rhyme or reason they do work as its not repeatable.

Fix them or give us something else as its very frustrating losing 10% of your firepower. I say 10% only because they are so weak even if all 4 hit it only equals a normal torpedo from a Sea Wolf.

Edit: Subs take so dam long to reload we can't afford to lose even 10% of the firepower.

mitm001 commented 1 year ago

It looks like you guys fixed this.

They now submerge about 80% on most ships and the ones that don't submerge are due to range and angle to target when aiming.

They do submerge more if the range and angle is good. Still very hard to get to shoot where you want reliably but Ill keep practicing to see if there's a trick other than aiming the sub nose about 10 degrees off target.

Overall, a good improvement.

finnbear commented 1 year ago

We fixed exactly nothing in mk48, as we are currently working on a new game ;)

Note that a likely issue is that we broke the Yasen's rocket torpedoes (they always launch straight), but not Zumwalt's (they are vertically-launchable in any direction), in the last update (months ago).

We'll fix Yasen's in the next update (after release is stable) :ok_hand:

mitm001 commented 1 year ago

We fixed exactly nothing in mk48,

The only thing I am doing different is I click inside the small ring of the speed circle. I try to click the subs nose or on either side of it. If you click anywhere else they miss.

Sometimes they will even all fire in a straight line and not spread out. What I mean by that is there appears to be a 10 degree angle fire range off each side tube. So they will fire in a "V" if you do not move the sub, except occasionally they all fire in a straight line if you hit the sweet spot, wherever that is.

Certain players have them figured out better as they can make them submerge when slightly further than nose to nose in a sub battle. That is impressive as they normally will not submerge unless presented with a broadside.

mitm001 commented 1 year ago

One more comment on this. As stated, very few players have discovered how to make rocket torpedoes submerge in close combat. There is definitely a trick to it as its been used against me by 2 players. The last time was yesterday when we were 1/2 a sub length apart and they were able to get them to submerge right on top of me. I can see there's a difference in whether you have sensors or not as with low level boats and subs that do not have them but even with the opponents sensors off I cant get mine to submerge that close. The ship level seems to play another big part in it but I am not sure if its just coincidence based off the type of ships for that level.

I would suggest an edit to the help file to explain them a little better rather than pointing to a Wikipedia page. Even though it does state on that wiki page that they can be guided it would be helpful to spread the word on just how you implemented them for the game.