Software-Aurora-Lab / ADS-Scenario-Transformer

Transferring scenarios running on Apollo and SimControl environments to scenarios running on Autoware and TIER IV Scenario Simulator v2 environments.
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Traffic Signal mapping between Apollo HD Map and Autoware Vector Map #17

Closed hcn1519 closed 4 months ago

hcn1519 commented 6 months ago

You can map the ID of traffic lights by checking whether the polygons of the traffic lights in the Apollo HD Map's Signal and Autoware Vector maps overlap by a certain percentage.

signal {
  id {
    id: "signal_1"
  boundary {
    point {
      x: 587058.85589504242
      y: 4141604.0102615356
      z: 5.4707951545715332
    point {
      x: 587059.47325801849
      y: 4141603.8475570679
      z: 5.4707951545715332
    point {
      x: 587059.47325801849
      y: 4141603.8475570679
      z: 3.9743266105651855
    point {
      x: 587058.85589504242
      y: 4141604.0102615356
      z: 3.9743266105651855
  subsignal {
    id {
      id: "0"
    type: CIRCLE
    location {
      x: 587059.16457557678
      y: 4141603.9289073944
      z: 5.122560977935791
  subsignal {
    id {
      id: "1"
    type: CIRCLE
    location {
      x: 587059.16457557678
      y: 4141603.9289073944
      z: 4.7225608825683594
  subsignal {
    id {
      id: "2"
    type: CIRCLE
    location {
      x: 587059.16457557678
      y: 4141603.9289073944
      z: 4.3225607872009277
  overlap_id {
    id: "overlap_signal_1_lane_44"
  overlap_id {
    id: "overlap_signal_1_lane_43"
  overlap_id {
    id: "overlap_signal_1_lane_45"
  overlap_id {
    id: "overlap_junction_I0_J0_signal_0_1"
  type: MIX_3_VERTICAL
  stop_line {
    segment {
      line_segment {
        point {
          x: 587044.3645362854
          y: 4141560.2021617889
        point {
          x: 587049.3931388855
          y: 4141558.9247989655
        point {
          x: 587055.289273262
          y: 4141557.3708648682
<way id="468">
    <nd ref="466"/>
    <nd ref="467"/>
    <tag k="type" v="traffic_light"/>
    <tag k="subtype" v="red_yellow_green"/>
    <tag k="height" v="1.46000003814697"/>
<node id="466" lat="37.41705226969418" lon="-122.01638274507728">
    <tag k="mgrs_code" v="10SEG870415"/>
    <tag k="local_x" v="87039.2134"/>
    <tag k="local_y" v="41592.9489"/>
    <tag k="ele" v="4.5704"/>
    <tag k="x" v="-30.79523"/>
    <tag k="y" v="15.94909"/>
  <node id="467" lat="37.417057744995795" lon="-122.01638085972475">
    <tag k="mgrs_code" v="10SEG870415"/>
    <tag k="local_x" v="87039.3739"/>
    <tag k="local_y" v="41593.5581"/>
    <tag k="ele" v="4.5704"/>
    <tag k="x" v="-30.63468"/>
    <tag k="y" v="16.55828"/>
    "header": {
        "timestamp_sec": 1661458004.7851071,
        "module_name": "MAGGIE",
        "sequence_num": 1
    "traffic_lights": [
            "color": "GREEN",
            "id": "signal_10",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_0",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "GREEN",
            "id": "signal_1",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_2",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_3",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_4",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_5",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_6",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_7",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_8",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_9",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "GREEN",
            "id": "signal_11",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_12",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_13",
            "confidence": 1
            "color": "RED",
            "id": "signal_14",
            "confidence": 1
hcn1519 commented 4 months ago