Hello, I am using MySql dialect for sequelize and I've noticed that filtering string properties results in an error. [Op.iRegexp] is used in convertFilter(), that is a PG specific operator according to https://sequelize.org/master/manual/querying.html#operators. Could you please switch to native SQL [Op.like] ? Thank you!
Hello, I am using MySql dialect for sequelize and I've noticed that filtering string properties results in an error.
is used in convertFilter(), that is a PG specific operator according to https://sequelize.org/master/manual/querying.html#operators. Could you please switch to native SQL[Op.like]
? Thank you!sequelize: 4.44.3 admin-bro: 1.1.4 admin-bro-expressjs: 0.2.0 admin-bro-sequelizejs: 0.2.2 node: 10.15.3