SoftwareBrothers / adminjs

AdminJS is an admin panel for apps written in node.js
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[Bug]: can't correctly create custom component when importing external lib #1674

Open clysss opened 3 weeks ago

clysss commented 3 weeks ago

Contact Details

No response

What happened?

I'm trying to create a custom component using jsonforms lib. When I comment the jsonfoms call in the return (as in the sample code), everything goes fine and I see in log : 2024-06-16T21:37:56.342313743Z AdminJS watch 2024-06-16T21:37:56.372478350Z AdminJS is under localhost:8080/admin 2024-06-16T21:37:56.870898268Z Executing (default): SELECT 1+1 AS result 2024-06-16T21:37:57.117968255Z - Bundling files... 2024-06-16T21:37:57.441022456Z ✔ Finish bundling: 2 files and when I uncomment it, the bundling never goes on and i've in interface : when i try to see the item : Javascript Error Error: Component "MyInput" has not been bundled, ensure it was added to your ComponentLoader instance (the one included in AdminJS options). See development console for more details...

Bug prevalence

every time

AdminJS dependencies version

{ "name": "cy_42k_mvp", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "dist/server.js", "author": "", "license": "ISC", "type": "module", "scripts": { "dev": "ts-node-dev --transpile-only --inspect --ignore-watch node_modules src/server.ts", "build": "tsc", "start": "node --loader ts-node/esm src/server.ts" }, "dependencies": { "@adminjs/express": "^6.1.0", "@adminjs/sequelize": "^4.1.1", "adminjs": "^7.8.1", "bcrypt": "~5.0.1", "chai": "^4.3.10", "cors": "^2.8.5", "dotenv": "^16.0.1", "express": "^4.19.2", "jsonwebtoken": ">=9.0.0", "pg": "^8.11.5", "sequelize": "^6.37.3", "sequelize-cli": "^6.6.2", "swagger-jsdoc": "^6.2.8", "swagger-ui-express": "^5.0.0", "@jsonforms/core": "3.3.0", "@jsonforms/material-renderers": "3.3.0", "@jsonforms/react": "3.3.0", "react": "^18.3.1", "react-dom": "^18.3.1" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/bcrypt": "~5.0.0", "@types/chai": "^4.3.11", "@types/cors": "^2.8.13", "@types/express": "^4.17.21", "@types/jsonwebtoken": "^9.0.1", "@types/mocha": "^10.0.6", "@types/node": "^20.14.2", "@types/supertest": "^2.0.16", "@types/swagger-jsdoc": "^6.0.4", "@types/swagger-ui-express": "^4.1.6", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.13.2", "chai": "^4.3.10", "eslint": "^8.55.0", "eslint-config-prettier": "^9.1.0", "eslint-config-standard-with-typescript": "^40.0.0", "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.29.0", "eslint-plugin-n": "^16.3.1", "eslint-plugin-prettier": "^5.0.1", "eslint-plugin-promise": "^6.1.1", "mocha": "^10.2.0", "prettier": "^3.1.0", "supertest": "^6.3.3", "ts-node": "^10.9.2", "ts-node-dev": "^2.0.0", "typescript": "^5.4.5" } }

What browsers do you see the problem on?


Relevant log output

2024-06-16T21:37:56.342313743Z AdminJS watch
2024-06-16T21:37:56.372478350Z AdminJS is under localhost:8080/admin
2024-06-16T21:37:56.870898268Z Executing (default): SELECT 1+1 AS result
2024-06-16T21:37:57.117968255Z - Bundling files...
2024-06-16T21:37:57.441022456Z ✔ Finish bundling: 2 files

Relevant code that's giving you issues

import { allowOverride, Edit, EditPropertyProps, ShowPropertyProps} from 'adminjs';
import { FormGroup, FormMessage, Label, RichTextEditor, TextArea, Input } from '@adminjs/design-system';
import React, { FC, useMemo, useState, ReactElement } from 'react';
import { JsonForms } from '@jsonforms/react';
import {  materialCells,  materialRenderers} from '@jsonforms/material-renderers';
const MyInputComponent:FC<EditPropertyProps> = (props): ReactElement => {
  const schema = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "minLength": 1
    "description": {
      "title": "Long Description",
      "type": "string"
  "required": ["name"]
  const uischema={
  "type": "VerticalLayout",
  "elements": [
      "type": "Control",
      "scope": "#/properties/name"
      "type": "Control",
      "scope": "#/properties/description",
      "options": {
        "multi": true

const initialData = {}
const { property, record, onChange } = props

  const [data, setData] = useState(initialData);
  return (
/*    <JsonForms
      onChange={({ data }) => setData(data)}
export default MyInputComponent
dziraf commented 3 weeks ago

browser's console should display more detailed logs on what's wrong with jsonforms

clysss commented 3 weeks ago

Download the React DevTools for a better development experience: react-dom.development.js:29840:16 You are loading @emotion/react when it is already loaded. Running multiple instances may cause problems. This can happen if multiple versions are used, or if multiple builds of the same version are used. emotion-react.esm.js:440:14 i18next::backendConnector: No backend was added via i18next.use. Will not load resources. i18next.js:25:48 i18next: languageChanged en i18next.js:25:48 i18next: initialized Object { debug: true, initImmediate: true, ns: (1) […], defaultNS: "translation", fallbackLng: (1) […], fallbackNS: (1) […], supportedLngs: (2) […], nonExplicitSupportedLngs: false, load: "currentOnly", preload: false, … } i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.users Users i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.42k 42 K 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.items Items i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.users Users i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.42k 42 K 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.items Items i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.users Users i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.42k 42 K 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.items Items i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.users Users i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.42k 42 K 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.items Items 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation Id i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.updatedAt Updated At i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.createdAt Created At i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.manifest Manifest i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publInfos Publ Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publDatas Publ Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editInfos Edit Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editDatas Edit Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.schema Schema i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.parentId Parent Id i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.users Users i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.42k 42 K 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.items Items 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation Id i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.updatedAt Updated At i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.createdAt Created At i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.manifest Manifest i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publInfos Publ Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publDatas Publ Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editInfos Edit Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editDatas Edit Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.schema Schema i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.parentId Parent Id i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.users Users i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.42k 42 K 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.items Items 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation Id i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.updatedAt Updated At i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.createdAt Created At i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.manifest Manifest i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publInfos Publ Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publDatas Publ Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editInfos Edit Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editDatas Edit Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.schema Schema i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.parentId Parent Id i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation Id i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.manifest Manifest i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publInfos Publ Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publDatas Publ Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editInfos Edit Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editDatas Edit Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.schema Schema i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.parentId Parent Id i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.items Items i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation Id i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.updatedAt Updated At i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.createdAt Created At i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.manifest Manifest i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publInfos Publ Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publDatas Publ Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editInfos Edit Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editDatas Edit Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.schema Schema i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.parentId Parent Id i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.users Users i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.42k 42 K 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.items Items i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.users Users i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.42k 42 K 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.items Items i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.users Users i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.42k 42 K 2 i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.items Items 2 i18next.js:25:48 Uncaught Error: Component "MyInput" has not been bundled, ensure it was added to your ComponentLoader instance (the one included in AdminJS options). Component base-property-component.js:77 React 11 workLoop scheduler.development.js:266 flushWork scheduler.development.js:239 performWorkUntilDeadline scheduler.development.js:533

task.js:62 run task.js:36 eventListener task.js:47 base-property-component.js:77:12 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publInfos Publ Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publDatas Publ Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editInfos Edit Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editDatas Edit Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.schema Schema i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.parentId Parent Id i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation labels.items Items i18next.js:25:48 Uncaught Error: Component "MyInput" has not been bundled, ensure it was added to your ComponentLoader instance (the one included in AdminJS options). Component base-property-component.js:77 React 12 workLoop scheduler.development.js:266 flushWork scheduler.development.js:239 performWorkUntilDeadline scheduler.development.js:533 task.js:62 run task.js:36 eventListener task.js:47 base-property-component.js:77:12 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publInfos Publ Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.publDatas Publ Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editInfos Edit Infos i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.editDatas Edit Datas i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.schema Schema i18next.js:25:48 i18next::translator: missingKey en translation properties.parentId Parent Id i18next.js:25:48 The above error occurred in one of your React components: BasePropertyComponent/Component<@ section O@ ErrorBoundary@ BasePropertyComponent@ section O@ form O@ Edit@ WrapperComponent ErrorBoundary@ BaseActionComponent@ section O@ Wrapper$1@ WrapperComponent RecordAction@ WrapperComponent RenderedRoute@ RenderedRoute@ Routes@ section O@ section O@ App@ WrapperComponent Suspense Router@ BrowserRouter@ I18nextProvider@ Le@ Provider$1@ React will try to recreate this component tree from scratch using the error boundary you provided, ErrorBoundary. react-dom.development.js:18687:14
clysss commented 3 weeks ago

(for easier reading : ) Uncaught Error: Component "MyInput" has not been bundled, ensure it was added to your ComponentLoader instance (the one included in AdminJS options). Component base-property-component.js:77 React 11 renderWithHooks mountIndeterminateComponent beginWork callCallback invokeGuardedCallbackDev invokeGuardedCallback beginWork$1 performUnitOfWork workLoopSync renderRootSync performConcurrentWorkOnRoot workLoop scheduler.development.js:266 flushWork scheduler.development.js:239 performWorkUntilDeadline scheduler.development.js:533

task.js:62 run task.js:36 eventListener task.js:47 base-property-component.js:77:12
clysss commented 3 weeks ago

tsconfig : { "compilerOptions": { "target": "ESNext", "module": "NodeNext", "moduleResolution": "NodeNext", "esModuleInterop": true, "skipLibCheck": true, "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, "strict": true, "jsx": "react", "outDir": "dist", "typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types", "./types"] }, "include": ["src/*/"], "exclude": ["node_modules"] }

dziraf commented 2 weeks ago

If I were to guess, I'd say it might be an issue with Material UI renderers since AdminJS doesn't use MUI.

The error basically says that the component hasn't been built

clysss commented 2 weeks ago

I'll try to test with another mui component to see if it fails

Adminjs just replied that:

Hi @clysss , did you try moving your schema definition either completely outside the component or use React’s useMemo hook to avoid recreating it everytime? I could imagine there being some endless re-rendering loop with the schema being re-created on every re-render like in your code snippet above. Do you have an idea where I should code that? Should I use usememo(schema) during the call of ? Thx

Le mar. 18 juin 2024, 10:34, Rafał Dzięgielewski @.***> a écrit :

If I were to guess, I'd say it might be an issue with Material UI renderers since AdminJS doesn't use MUI.

The error basically says that the component hasn't been built

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

clysss commented 2 weeks ago

With button mui it works : It needs around 2 minutes to build the 971 files but after the component is correctly rendered.

When I put back the jsonforms, the message "bundling files" don't appear in logs Is there a way to start manually the bundling that I can see what's wrong?

Le mar. 18 juin 2024, 11:04, clysss @.***> a écrit :

I'll try to test with another mui component to see if it fails

Adminjs just replied that:

Hi @clysss , did you try moving your schema definition either completely outside the component or use React’s useMemo hook to avoid recreating it everytime? I could imagine there being some endless re-rendering loop with the schema being re-created on every re-render like in your code snippet above. Do you have an idea where I should code that? Should I use usememo(schema) during the call of ? Thx

Le mar. 18 juin 2024, 10:34, Rafał Dzięgielewski @.***> a écrit :

If I were to guess, I'd say it might be an issue with Material UI renderers since AdminJS doesn't use MUI.

The error basically says that the component hasn't been built

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

clysss commented 2 weeks ago

With button mui it works : It needs around 2 minutes to build the 971 files but after the component is correctly rendered.

Is there a way to start manually the bundling that I can see what's wrong? because when I 'm very very patient, the bundling with jsonforms finish by crashing :

2024-06-18T20:34:39.0410673Z Connection... 2024-06-18T20:34:39.0743635Z AdminJS watch 2024-06-18T20:34:39.1041674Z AdminJS is under localhost:8080/admin 2024-06-18T20:34:39.5351664Z Executing (default): SELECT 1+1 AS result 2024-06-18T20:35:22.6320749Z authenticate 2024-06-18T20:35:23.0667098Z Executing (default): SELECT "id", "name", "email", "password", "role", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "users" AS "users" WHERE "users"."email" = ''; 2024-06-18T20:37:21 No new trace in the past 1 min(s). 2024-06-18T20:38:21 No new trace in the past 2 min(s). 2024-06-18T20:39:21 No new trace in the past 3 min(s). 2024-06-18T20:40:05.4095816Z [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of /node_modules/@mui/icons-material/index.js as it exceeds the max of 500KB. 2024-06-18T20:40:12.4124629Z Executing (default): SELECT "id", "parentId", "schema", "editDatas", "editInfos", "publDatas", "publInfos", "manifest", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "items" AS "items" ORDER BY "items"."id" ASC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0; 2024-06-18T20:40:12.6716171Z Executing (default): SELECT count() AS "count" FROM "items" AS "items"; 2024-06-18T20:41:21 No new trace in the past 1 min(s). 2024-06-18T20:42:21 No new trace in the past 2 min(s). 2024-06-18T20:42:54.5955316Z - Bundling files... 2024-06-18T20:44:21 No new trace in the past 1 min(s). 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1131382Z 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132389Z <--- Last few GCs ---> 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132434Z 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132482Z [101:0x7220d50] 642593 ms: Scavenge 1997.9 (2076.2) -> 1990.1 (2080.0) MB, 23.86 / 0.03 ms (average mu = 0.266, current mu = 0.174) allocation failure; 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132522Z [101:0x7220d50] 642852 ms: Scavenge 2001.6 (2080.0) -> 1993.7 (2082.0) MB, 55.40 / 0.07 ms (average mu = 0.266, current mu = 0.174) task; 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132566Z [101:0x7220d50] 646650 ms: Mark-Compact 2004.4 (2082.2) -> 1985.1 (2082.5) MB, 3567.32 / 0.14 ms (average mu = 0.275, current mu = 0.284) task; scavenge might not succeed 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132596Z 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132627Z 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132687Z <--- JS stacktrace ---> 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132721Z 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132761Z FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132794Z ----- Native stack trace ----- 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1132824Z 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1138360Z 1: 0xca5580 node::Abort() [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1143718Z 2: 0xb781f9 [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1150032Z 3: 0xeca4d0 v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate, char const, v8::OOMDetails const&) [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1156247Z 4: 0xeca7b7 v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate, char const, v8::OOMDetails const&) [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1163314Z 5: 0x10dc505 [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1272439Z 6: 0x10dca94 v8::internal::Heap::RecomputeLimits(v8::internal::GarbageCollector) [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1272783Z 7: 0x10f3984 v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection(v8::internal::GarbageCollector, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, char const) [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1272835Z 8: 0x10f419c v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage(v8::internal::AllocationSpace, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1272873Z 9: 0x114cf5c v8::internal::MinorGCJob::Task::RunInternal() [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1272951Z 10: 0xd20366 [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1381883Z 11: 0xd22f1f node::PerIsolatePlatformData::FlushForegroundTasksInternal() [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1382246Z 12: 0x188ae53 [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1382286Z 13: 0x189f8cb [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1382321Z 14: 0x188bb77 uv_run [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1382358Z 15: 0xbbbb83 node::SpinEventLoopInternal(node::Environment*) [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1455932Z 16: 0xcf4ee5 [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1456378Z 17: 0xcf58ad node::NodeMainInstance::Run() [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1456460Z 18: 0xc5f397 node::Start(int, char**) [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1456498Z 19: 0x7d542313b24a [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1456535Z 20: 0x7d542313b305 __libc_start_main [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] 2024-06-18T20:45:09.1456571Z 21: 0xbb8eee _start [node] 2024-06-18T20:45:53.8265594Z Aborted (core dumped) 2024-06-18T20:45:53.9454608Z npm notice 2024-06-18T20:45:53.9455280Z npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.5.0 -> 10.8.1 2024-06-18T20:45:53.9455330Z npm notice Changelog: 2024-06-18T20:45:53.9455503Z npm notice Run npm install -g npm@10.8.1 to update! 2024-06-18T20:45:53.9455545Z npm notice 2024-06-18T20:45:54.0587213Z Container has finished running with exit code: 134. 2024-06-18T20:45:54.0592608Z Container is terminating. Grace period: 5 seconds. 2024-06-18T20:45:54.0691379Z Stop and delete container. Retry count = 0 2024-06-18T20:45:54.0691952Z Stopping container: 42kvendors-ws_1589815b. 2024-06-18T20:45:54.1007131Z Deleting container: 42kvendors-ws_1589815b. Retry count = 0 2024-06-18T20:45:54.4692657Z Container spec TerminationMessagePolicy path 2024-06-18T20:45:54.4724307Z Container is terminated. Total time elapsed: 405 ms.

dziraf commented 2 weeks ago

Try running the app with:

Set it to at least 4096 and see if it helps. It looks like JSONForms or MUI exports lots of files which are bundled and the app runs out of memory during bundling. You can research if you can import files from their libraries so that tree shaking works

clysss commented 2 weeks ago

still the same bug... even it's after a longer time !

clysss commented 2 weeks ago

update : after upgrading from 7 to 16go the server and give 12go to stack, it finaly works... and wait for 18 minutes to start !! I'll ask for import from adminjs side, how to pre-bundle files ? is the .bundle.js in v7 still usable ? if yes, how ?? Thanks