SoftwareGift / FeatherNets_Face-Anti-spoofing-Attack-Detection-Challenge-CVPR2019

Code for 3rd Place Solution in Face Anti-spoofing Attack Detection Challenge @ CVPR2019,model only 0.35M!!! 1.88ms(CPU)
928 stars 282 forks source link

How to perform well on test set? #49

Open baoyu-yuan opened 5 years ago

baoyu-yuan commented 5 years ago

Hello, I use your code to train featherNetB with depth images, and get 0.9080% on ACER on val set, which is a good result. But I get 2.1473% on ACER on test set, which is a apparent decline. Could you provide some advice to improve the results except ensembling? Because we want to have a simple and fast model.