SoftwareGuy / Ignorance

Ignorance utilizes the power of ENet to provide a reliable UDP networking transport for Mirror Networking.
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Updates going forward #82

Open mtompson opened 2 years ago

mtompson commented 2 years ago

Hello. I wondered if you are still updating Ignorance? I just upgraded to Mirror 53 and hit an error. It works ok with Mirror 44.0.2 (I'm using Unity 2021.1.25f1) If you are still able to help I'll send you the error. I just wound back and didn't save it! Many thanks Mark

SoftwareGuy commented 2 years ago

Ignorance ain’t dead yet. I’ve been working on the next version (v1.4.0). What’s the error you’re getting?

mtompson commented 2 years ago

That's great news. Standby, I'll upgrade and get it...

mtompson commented 2 years ago

Assets\Mirror\Runtime\Transport\Ignorance\Ignorance.cs(699,29): error CS0115: 'Ignorance.GetMaxBatchSize(int)': no suitable method found to override

I also get (which may not have anything to do with your Transport) Folder 'Assets/Mirror/Editor/Weaver/' contains multiple assembly definition files (Assets/Mirror/Editor/Weaver/Unity.Mirror.CodeGen.asmdef)


Folder 'Assets/Mirror/Editor/Weaver/' contains multiple assembly definition files (Assets/Mirror/Editor/Weaver/Mirror.Weaver.asmdef)

SoftwareGuy commented 2 years ago

Ah. Shit. That’s due to a typo in the latest release I believe. If you look at the code and see something that says MIRROR_46_OR_NEWER then please change the 46 part to 46_0. Power is out so I can’t see if that is the issue I think it is. Otherwise failing that, use the latest Git repository commit version, which should be v1.4.0b13. That one is Mirror 46/LTS baseline ready.

mtompson commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I'll give it a go....

mtompson commented 2 years ago

Do you have a unity package of the v1.4.0b13 ?

SoftwareGuy commented 2 years ago

Power came back on, I can make one. Gimme a few.

SoftwareGuy commented 2 years ago

Here you go. I had to pack it into a ZIP because GitHub didn't like it being a Unitypackage file.


mtompson commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much for your time, I'll let you know how it goes..

mtompson commented 2 years ago

The 'Assets/Mirror/Weaver/..... has gone from the 2 I originally posted to 32, is that related to Ignorance? If so I'm happy to send the errors.

SoftwareGuy commented 2 years ago

What version of Mirror are you using?

SoftwareGuy commented 2 years ago

The Mirror Weaver errors aren’t related to Ignorance, and I don’t believe I exported any Weaver related stuff.

mtompson commented 2 years ago

53.0.0 I just tried upgrading to it this morning. I previously had v1.4.0b6 working ok with Mirror 44.0.2

(I'm using Unity 2021.1.25f1)

mtompson commented 2 years ago

Yes the Mirror Weaver errors are probably something else, just checking. Thanks for your help, and pleased your still working on Ignorance.

TCROC commented 1 year ago

Also pleased Ignorance is still under development! It's been powering our game Blocky Ball over here at Lange Studios! U da man @SoftwareGuy !

TCROC commented 1 year ago

Also just realized this thread is a year old... so assuming Ignorance is still alive? @SoftwareGuy Just pinging u to confirm?

SoftwareGuy commented 1 year ago

Ignorance is in LTS mode, which means that there's no new features, just updates to address any issues.

If you need focused support, consider a sponsorship. I am still doing support for Ignorance but it's on the back burner as my IRL job and other projects are higher priority.

TCROC commented 1 year ago

Awesome! Glad to hear it! Ignorance has been holding up for us quite well in Blocky Ball! Thanks again for this awesome software!

We don't currently have the funds for sponsoring. We still work day jobs ourselves to fund Blocky Ball, but I'll be keeping Ignorance in mind for when we do become profitable! :)

SoftwareGuy commented 1 year ago

That's no worries, I'm just throwing that out there for the record. 😉 As always, thanks for using Ignorance.