Soham360 / sturdy-fiesta

Apache License 2.0
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Project Crossover Grading #12

Open AniCricKet opened 10 months ago

AniCricKet commented 10 months ago

Project Pluto Link

Video Demo

Key Features:

Frontend Code

Backend Code

Grading Requirements:


Category Critera Grade
Hook Key features achieved (shown in running demo to graders) /4
Knowledge HOW IT IS MADE! Key features blogged (shown in demo time to graders) /4
Value Most useful or valuable aspect of project /1
AniCricKet commented 10 months ago

Bell Schedule Feature (Aniket, Kevin)

Frontend Code

DasMoge124 commented 10 months ago

Weather API Backend image image

DasMoge124 commented 10 months ago


DasMoge124 commented 10 months ago

Announcements Frontend:

DasMoge124 commented 10 months ago

Weather API Frontend image

jm1021 commented 10 months ago

Criteria/Key Features:

HOOK: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Student added schedule. Noticed time of day.

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Shared Person Class. Talked about 2 APIs. 3.6

VALUE: Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: School Schedule and planner.

WOW FACTOR: Reason: Basic so far, connections between parts hard to see.


gwang1224 commented 10 months ago

Big Trackta Grading

Criteria/Key Features:

HOOK: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Rachit asked to input schedule, interactive. Applicable to students 3.6

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Shared 2 APIs, talked about classes. API takes a long time to load. 3.5

VALUE: Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: Applicable to students. Very nice! .8

WOW FACTOR: Reason: Useful and applicable to students. 8.9/10

rohinsood commented 10 months ago

Criteria/Key Features:






isabelle926 commented 10 months ago

Criteria/Key Features:

hsinaDitaM commented 10 months ago

Team 1: teacher pet

HOOK: 3.8 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason:

KNOWLEDGE: 3.9 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason:

VALUE: 0.9 Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason:

WOW FACTOR: Reason: 0.9

daisyzhang2024 commented 10 months ago

HOOK: 3.8 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Interesting, planner drew me in as a student and seemed very useful.

KNOWLEDGE: 3.8 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Using API for the weather, CSS/HTML for website, and Javascript for buttons and planner part. Seemed very knowledgable about how different parts worked.

VALUE: 1 Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: Very valuable as a student, seems like a good tracker for my task and helpful for everyday life.

WOW FACTOR: Good Reason: I though the planner and weather feature was very useful, though I can check most of this on my laptop or phone. It would be cool to see more interesting, tailored features, such as it deciding a specific outfit with your taste not just giving a general image.


Soham360 commented 10 months ago
Grader Grade
Mr. Mortensen (9/10) 8.1
Grace 8.9
Rohin 8.9
Isabelle 8.55
Mati 9.0
Daisy 8.6
Colin 8.85

Average: 8.71

BobTheFarmer commented 10 months ago

HOOK: 3.8 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Fun project, practical use case as well.

KNOWLEDGE: 3.8 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Deep understanding of project and project is well connected.

VALUE: 1 Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: Valuable as a student, I personally would use this.

WOW FACTOR: Good Reason: I though the planner and weather feature was very useful, though I can check most of this on my laptop or phone. It would be cool to see more interesting, tailored features, such as it deciding a specific outfit with your taste not just giving a general image.
