Closed sheppard closed 8 years ago
The repeated nested observation type did not work on first trial. Maybe I don't understand how to configure things?
Here is the form.json produced by
{"title": "soilsample", "children": [{"field_name": "date", "bind": {"required": "yes"}, "type_info": {"bind": {"type": "date"}, "control": {"tag": "input"}}, "name": "date", "label": "Date", "subtype_is_date": true, "hint": "Date samples were taken", "type": "date", "type_is_date": true, "html5_type": "date"}, {"field_name": "transect", "label": "Transect", "subtype_is_text": true, "name": "transect", "type_info": {"bind": {"type": "string"}, "control": {"tag": "input"}}, "hint": "If on a transect, identify the transect, distance, and side of tape", "type_is_text": true, "type": "text", "html5_type": false}, {"field_name": "top_cm", "bind": {"required": "yes"}, "subtype_is_decimal": true, "type_info": {"bind": {"type": "decimal"}, "control": {"tag": "input"}}, "name": "top_cm", "label": "top, cm", "hint": "Top of sample, cm below soil surface", "type_is_decimal": true, "type": "decimal", "html5_type": "number"}, {"field_name": "bottom_cm", "bind": {"required": "yes"}, "subtype_is_decimal": true, "type_info": {"bind": {"type": "decimal"}, "control": {"tag": "input"}}, "name": "bottom_cm", "label": "bottom, cm", "hint": "Bottom of sample, cm below soil surface", "type_is_decimal": true, "type": "decimal", "html5_type": "number"}, {"field_name": "num_composited", "bind": {"required": "yes"}, "type_info": {"bind": {"type": "int"}, "control": {"tag": "input"}}, "name": "num_composited", "label": "# composited", "type_is_int": true, "hint": "Number of samples composited", "subtype_is_integer": true, "type": "integer", "html5_type": "number"}, {"field_name": "description", "bind": {"required": "yes"}, "subtype_is_text": true, "type_info": {"bind": {"type": "string"}, "control": {"tag": "input"}}, "name": "description", "label": "Description", "hint": "Describe soil cover, moisture, conditions", "type_is_text": true, "type": "text", "html5_type": false}, {"field_name": "items", "bind": {"required": "yes"}, "children": [{"bind": {"required": "yes"}, "hint": "type of analysis", "type": "text", "name": "analysis", "label": "Analysis"}, {"bind": {"required": "yes"}, "hint": "Lab or person doing the analysis", "type": "text", "name": "lab", "label": "Lab or tester"}, {"bind": {"required": "yes"}, "type": "integer", "name": "count", "label": "analysis types"}], "name": "items", "label": "Soil analyses", "type": "repeat"}, {"field_name": "meta", "type": "group", "children": [{"bind": {"readonly": "true()", "calculate": "concat('uuid:', uuid())"}, "type": "calculate", "name": "instanceID"}], "name": "meta", "control": {"bodyless": true}}], "name": "soilsample", "urlpath": "soilsamples", "type": "survey", "sms_keyword": "soilsample", "id_string": "soilsample", "default_language": "default"}
This looks like the right format. You probably just need to upgrade xlsconv to the latest master version.
OK did that, thanks for reminder. After deploying and reloading the form, I was not able to see or enter data into the nested part.
I need to update the version number on xlsconv - until then be sure to uninstall before reinstalling, or you might still have the older version (since pip cancels an install when the version appears to be the same).
Once everything is working there should be a button to add a nested observation.
Uninstalled and installed xlsconv, then tried to deploy but got Import error: no module named 'survey' under the xlsconv stuff
With the new xlsconv formats, where do I put the path to the icon for the form?
It sounds like your pyxform installation was overwritten with an official version during the upgrade. I'm using a custom version until the next release comes out. Try this:
sudo pip3 uninstall pyxform xlsconv
sudo pip3 install
sudo pip3 install
Seems to work now. Also I no longer get a server error when adding obs to existing site.
This would likely involve wq/xlsconv#1 and an array syntax for the field names.