SolDoesTech / HyprV4

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Multiple keyboard layouts work, but waybar still shows only one #16

Open chdrsto opened 1 year ago

chdrsto commented 1 year ago

Today, i installed v4 and customized two keyboard layouts (ch,rs) in ... ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf

and set the correct keyboard (apple-inc.-magic-keyboard-with-numeric-keypad) in ... ~/.config/HyprV/hyprv.conf

The keyboard layouts work and I can switch them while clicking on the waybar keyboard. Unfortunately, the entry in waybar remains at the first language and is not changing to the second language

two keyboard layouts have been installed swappy-20230601_193003

remains the same, even if I switch the keyboard layout: swappy-20230601_192718

any hint?

dbabi commented 1 year ago

Using the waybar-hyprland-git package from the AUR should fix the issue I believe.

matiux commented 1 year ago

@SolDoesTech Same problem. I have tried to replace waybar with waybar-hyprland-git but the result didn't change. My problem is worse. it doesn't change the name and it doesn't change the layout.

          kb_layout = gb,it
TimuriAlvarez commented 9 months ago

@matiux I have the same problem. Installing waybar-hyprland or waybar-hyprland-git fixes the functionality but not the visuals (still only one layout is displayed). Did you fix the issue?

chdrsto commented 7 months ago

The problem still persists. Switching the keyboard layout doesnt have an effect on ... $ hyprctl devices

... as it still shows the old keymap name and I guess this script is taking the name from there