SolDoesTech / HyprV4

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weather problem #24

Open L1nker2 opened 1 year ago

L1nker2 commented 1 year ago

hi guys i installed this beautiful desktop and i got a problem When I hover over the weather icon on the vibar, I don't get a tooltip and the weather is not quite right is it possible to explicitly indicate to the parser the forecast of which city I need? and how to fix the tooltip? I will be very happy if you help me!

L1nker2 commented 1 year ago

@SolDoesTech I don't mind your help)

aleksandar-code commented 1 year ago

Weather isn't exact because 1. the API used isn't accurate, 2. the location is approximated. You can use another weather API, there are bunch that are free, look into config files for the waybar you can find the files i'm talking about here: ~/.config/HyprV/waybar/, specifically for the API and the script that returns the tooltip and weather info it's here: ~/.config/HyprV/waybar/scripts and you either go in if you use the metric system or the other .py file if you're using imperial. @L1nker2

L1nker2 commented 1 year ago

Hm. I tested this file in the IDE and saw that values ​​are entered into the vibar using the "FeelsLikeC" key, but the data in this key, as I understand it, is approximate for my location. in the key where the temperature in Celsius is simply indicated, the data is more accurate than in this one.