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Screenrecord script for Hyprland script v4 #65

Open Rocklinks opened 8 months ago

Rocklinks commented 8 months ago

I got a screen recorder script from Chat GPT. How to add Screen recorder script to the panel. videos_dir="$HOME/Videos" mkdir -p "$videos_dir"

Generate a random filename for the screen recording

timestamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") recording_file="$videos_dir/screenrecording$timestamp.mp4"

Use wf-recorder to record the screen

wf-recorder -g "$(slurp)" -f "$recording_file"

Notify the user that the recording has started

notify-send "Screen recording started"

Wait for the user to stop the recording (e.g., by pressing a key)

read -p "Press Enter to stop recording..."

Stop the screen recording

pkill wf-recorder

Notify the user that the recording has stopped

notify-send "Screen recording stopped"

these are the scripts which works for but wanna add it to the panel with css.

0xDylan commented 8 months ago

edit the css??