SolDoesTech / HyprV4

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Crash during install: daemon/src/ 146:21 #88

Open Letsgoleggo opened 3 months ago

Letsgoleggo commented 3 months ago

During compilation swww-daemon v0.8.2 -->daemon/src/ 146:21 let (inner, _) =self.lock(); ^ this lock is not assigned to a binding and is immediately dropped

I short: let (inner,_unused) = self.lock(); I don't know how to fix this, maybe bind it to an unused variable or use drop after 'let' statement.

Always open to ideas that's how I learn

Speeif commented 3 months ago

This seems to be an error produced by the swww package, and has been noted as an issue on the swww github page

yeah, a rustc update caused this. I will look into publishing a new update to work around this. The problem is that I wanted to solve (another issue) before that.

LGFae commented 3 months ago

Sorry for the inconvenience. I just published v0.9.0, which should build just fine.

Speeif commented 3 months ago

As LGFae states, there's just been published a new version, and additionally, a version v0.9.1 is available from the AUR package repository. This means that the issue should have been resolved, and that the install script should function as intended.

At the start I experienced problems with getting swww to run after boot, but after running both swww init and swww-daemon & in the terminal, it would finally start at reboot. Additionally I have updated the below line

to become swww-daemon & as per the explanation of the releasenotes in the swww repository

Letsgoleggo commented 3 months ago

I'm just writing this so people know it's resolved, thnq