Closed BigBeefsen closed 3 years ago
Feature will be release in the next version.
I've decided to keep thing really simple to start with:
If people want more, less of different elements, I'll adjust accordingly afterwards.
Version 1.5.4 has been released with limited (huhuhuhu) support for this. I await your comments!
Right now, there doesn't seem to be a functional difference between Observer and Limited (unlike how it works in other sytem's counterparts). It would be nice if we could allow players to see the Actors list as a bit of a journal entry (i.e. with the descirption and photo, but none of the stats). Some of my players don't want everyone finangling with their character sheet ("just show off my photo and i'll write a public bio"), and I don't want them seeing monster stats, but it'd be nice to have a pic of them up beyond the tiny token art. My workaround is just creating an actual Journal entry for every NPC/PC/Enemy for everyone but that gets a little tiring/repetitive, especially during setup where I'm adding 10+ actors prior to a campaign start. Not sure how feasible that is with how you've designed the character sheets.