SolarLune / masterplan

MasterPlan is a project management software / visual idea board software. It attempts to be easy to use, lightweight, and fun.
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[Feature Request] Support for mouse buttons remapping #57

Open iarwain opened 3 years ago

iarwain commented 3 years ago


At the moment, it seems all actions linked to mouse buttons (left/middle/right) cannot be remapped, such as contextual menu or view panning.

Being able to remap those actions and access additional mouse buttons (thumb/side buttons, etc...) would be great.

Pixoshiru commented 3 years ago

Additionally, users relying on a trackpad don't always have a middle button option, which remapping would allow them to circumvent.

SolarLune commented 2 years ago

I'm super late to replying to this; I apologize! Yes, being able to remap keybindings to mouse buttons would be good (particularly for people who want to, say, pan with the right mouse button). I'll add this feature into the next version of MasterPlan (which is currently undergoing a rather large rewrite, v0.8.0). Thanks for the suggestion!