Closed siebenzwiebel closed 2 weeks ago
Message: ...erface/AddOns/DarkUI/Modules/Unitframe/Nameplate.lua:483: attempt to index field 'Power' (a nil value) Time: Thu Oct 10 17:24:44 2024 Count: 42 Stack: ...erface/AddOns/DarkUI/Modules/Unitframe/Nameplate.lua:483: attempt to index field 'Power' (a nil value) [string "@Interface/AddOns/DarkUI/Modules/Unitframe/Nameplate.lua"]:483: in function <...erface/AddOns/DarkUI/Modules/Unitframe/Nameplate.lua:469> [string "@Interface/AddOns/DarkUI/Libs/oUF/ouf.lua"]:847: in function <Interface/AddOns/DarkUI/Libs/oUF/ouf.lua:796> Locals: self = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFrame { UnitFrameEvents = <table> { } Plater = true isNamePlate = true HasHideHookRegistered = true ExtraAuraCache = <table> { } QuestInfo = <table> { } unitName = "Erwachende Ente" Top3DFrame = NamePlate73DFrame { } CustomIndicators = <table> { } TargetTextures4Sides = <table> { } targetOverlay = Texture { } targetOverlayTexture = Texture { } npcID = "187442" isSoftFriend = false PlaterRaidTargetFrame = Frame { } softInteractIconFrame = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFramesoftInteractIconFrame { } ActorNameSpecial = FontString { } aggroGlowUpper = Texture { } GhostAuraCache = <table> { } widgetsOnly = false softInteractIcon = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFramesoftInteractIconFrameIcon { } unit = "nameplate1" pixelSnapDisabled = true WidgetType = "unitFrame" castBar = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFrameCastBar { } IsUIParent = true TargetNeonDown = Texture { } IsUnitNameplate = true ExtraIconFrame = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFrameExtraIconRow { } powerBar = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFramePowerBar { } RefreshID = 0 AuraCache = <table> { } SoftTargetFrame = Frame { } namePlateIsQuestObjective = false baseFrameLevel = 61 TargetNeonUp = Texture { } IsUnitEvent = <table> { } WidgetContainer = Frame { } PlateFrame = NamePlate7 { } nameplateScaleAdjust = 1 HighlightFrame = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFrameHealthBarHighlightOverlay { } castBar2 = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFrameCastBar2 { } healthBar = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFrameHealthBar { } FadeAnimation = AnimationGroup { } BossModIconFrame = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFrameHealthBarBossModIconRow { } BodyFlashFrame = Frame { } IsNeutralOrHostile = true blizzardPlateFrameID = "table: 0000019E91B2C760" namePlateUnitGUID = "Player-1408-0A4114AF" ActorTitleSpecial = FontString { } isLooseTarget = false border = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFrameBorder { } id = "1" HasHooksRegistered = true FocusIndicator = Texture { } Settings = <table> { } isSoftEnemy = false aggroGlowLower = Texture { } BuffFrame = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFrameBuffFrame1 { } overlayFrame = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFrameOverlayFrame { } TargetTextures2Sides = <table> { } BuffFrame2 = NamePlate7PlaterUnitFrameBuffFrame2 { } } event = "NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED" unit = "nameplate1" unitGUID = "Creature-0-3770-2444-20-187442-000385DD18" (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "player" (*temporary) = false (*temporary) = "3770" (*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Power' (a nil value)"
Hi, I cannot reproduce this error, does it happen every time? Please provide more information.