Solarint / SAIN

Full EFT AI Replacement
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Bots not reacting to each other #140

Closed Raaagincajun closed 3 weeks ago

Raaagincajun commented 3 weeks ago

SPT Ver: 3.8.3 Mods: LiveFleaPrices Preytolive - BetterSpawnsPlus BotLooting SAIN (Plus framework BigBrain + Waypoints) FIKA

I noticed when I finished my last raid and zoomed around the map in free camera that PMC and Scav bots were not reacting or firing on each other. We're standing in the same room doing voice lines and not fighting/reacting.

Log file is 41mb and too large to attach. Raid was on customs, using baby bots preset. All other settings left as default.
