Solarint / SAIN

Full EFT AI Replacement
57 stars 18 forks source link

Game Crashes #149

Open Cookiechee opened 2 weeks ago

Cookiechee commented 2 weeks ago

Asked for help in spt discord and they said to remove mods until it worked. Uninstalled the game and reinstalled mods and my game crashes still. Drakia said "bot init" is failing. Tried with default SVM profile. Tried with default SAIN settings. Worth noting, this ALWAYS happens about 40mins into the raid. Also never posted to github before so let me know if you need more/different info.

2024-06-13 14:23:34.008 -04:00||Error|aiData|System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at GClass412.method_3 () [0x00017] in <448e567fc8c849f8a66327014c6f134c>:0 at AITaskManager.method_0 () [0x00085] in <448e567fc8c849f8a66327014c6f134c>:0
"bot spawning without weapon"?

server-2024-06-14.log LogOutput.log 2024.06.14_17-10-36_0. traces.log 666b828b0003f35c7573e583.json image image