Solarint / SAIN

Full EFT AI Replacement
57 stars 18 forks source link

Spinning and pacing AI #63

Closed Coal676 closed 11 months ago

Coal676 commented 11 months ago


didn’t see this in here, but saw it in the comments on spt aki.

I am experiencing a ton of bots(mostly pmc) doing some wicked rotation and constantly shooting and pacing back and forth- sometimes they lock on to me, but I can get pretty close without them agroing- it kind of varies depending on what environment they are in. I think it is mostly with “chad”- “giga chad” classes. I have noticed it across all maps I’ve played.

I don’t know if it’s connected at all or is just because of BSGs audio changes but they also seem to be shooting behind some sort of invisible barrier because the sound of their shots go in and out when this happens too.

I am currently doing the mod combo of:

swag+donuts Waypoints Looting bots Big brain Sain Visceral dismemberment(have tried it off and on) Universal weapon mods Fontaines Fov fix, Geoff’s scope update, combat stances Svm: Just insurance and loot changes Amanda’s Graphics

I have also edited time limits for each map in spt data extending the raids to 1:30:00

Appreciate y’all looking at this and keep up the great work!

Solarint commented 11 months ago

It's an issue that's being looked into, hopefully next release version will have it fixed. Been a hard one to track down.

Coal676 commented 11 months ago

Sweet thanks- I’m going to try everything the same with swag 2 in stead of with donuts to see if that does anything because right now it’s sort of game breaking and had no issue prior to that update

Coal676 commented 11 months ago

Just an update:

haven’t had any issues with everything same(most recent Sain) and swag 2 in place-not one bot spinning around.

harmonyzt commented 11 months ago

Happens to me as well! Most of the times in night raids some of them (across the map) will start spinning/shooting in random directions until their mags are empty or direction they killed an enemy which is already dead. Sometimes throws this in the console:

EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)
  at EFT.EnvironmentEffect.IndoorTrigger.Check (UnityEngine.Vector3 pos) [0x00010] in <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0 
  at EFT.EnvironmentEffect.TriggerGroup.Check (UnityEngine.Vector3 pos) [0x00052] in <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0 
  at EnvironmentManagerBase.method_1 (UnityEngine.Vector3 pos) [0x0000a] in <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0 
  at EnvironmentManagerBase+Struct52.MoveNext () [0x00143] in <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0 

Despite me using nothing but SAIN and Waypoints. Pretty annoying and really hard to catch but when it happens, half of the raid goes nuts.

Solarint commented 11 months ago

Issue should be fixed now in latest versions