Solarint / SAIN

Full EFT AI Replacement
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Sain broke my shit #79

Closed MaximusArtilles closed 1 year ago

MaximusArtilles commented 1 year ago

Hey mate, just added SAIN after a fresh install and something out of BigBrain, Waypoints and Sain has made the game unplayable. I keep getting the "failed to recieve backend data" error message whenever I do certain things like fold a stock. I can't start a game and I don't know how to remove SAIN without fucking the rest of the install. I've tried a couple versions and they're all the same.

I'm currently running; SPT AKI 3.6.0 KMC SVM 1.6.5 BigBrain 0.2.0 Waypoints 1.2.0 BackDoorBandit 1.5.0 kmyuhkyuk-EFTApi kmyuhkyuk-GamePanelHUD

I'm on version 3.4.5 now, just working through the list trying to find a version that works. it's looking like a backup and fresh install right now because I can't even extract the SAIN files I just dropped in because they auto-feed.

SKP AKI fucked

Solarint commented 1 year ago

Nothing in sain affects items or stock folding. It's something else. After you see this error, upload the contents of the file "Bepinex/LogOutput.log" to and I'll see if I can find any issues from it.

DrakiaXYZ commented 1 year ago

Nothing in SAIN/Waypoints/BigBrain would be causing the error you're seeing You're running an old version of SVM. You're running out of date SPT (You should update to 3.6.1)

As for uninstalling, you literally just delete the SAIN DLL from BepInEx/Plugins, and the SAIN folder from user/mods, I don't know why you would think a reinstall would be necessary.

itsTINYTEETH commented 1 year ago

What do you mean "fucking the install"? Uninstalling any of the mods you listed will have NO negative effects on your profile or your SPT Aki install (provided you install/uninstall all dependants)

MaximusArtilles commented 1 year ago

I'm updating to the newest version of all the mods listed, I'll put Sain/WayPoints/BigBrain in first and run it for triage. Apologies for the vagueness, I'm a layman. I didn't realise all I had to do was delete two things and it wouldn't leave a wound in my install. If I find errors I'll keep y'all updated.

MaximusArtilles commented 1 year ago

Fresh Installed on all newest versions, same mods. Seems to be going fine. Sorry for the troubles