Solarswordsman / BeamSaber

Source for the Beam Saber character sheet for Roll20, built on the Blades in the Dark framework
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Technician bandolier section does not render #7

Open flyinggrizzly opened 5 years ago

flyinggrizzly commented 5 years ago

It looks like the Alchemicals section was removed from Source/pug/character.pug in the intial cleanup. Because the Technician playbook has bandoliers, similar to the Leech, this means there is not a predefined place to render them.

The default chemicals are added into Source/data.json and translation.json in #6, but do not show.

We should add in a chemicals section to the sheet, or determine an alternate approach to showing the options (ideally with checkboxes as in the Leech sheet).

The relevant section in the Blades character.pug file is

We're also going to run into a similar issue with the Technician's vehicle Payload Bay gear slot, which functions the same:

Payload bay [load 1 for 3 uses]: can contain 3 special warheads containing chemicals, incendiaries, acids, or biological agents.

These can be bired by a weapon on the vehicle designated at the time it is birst used. Uses rebill at the start of a mission.

flyinggrizzly commented 5 years ago

Once I get the rest of the Technician playbook entered I'm going to take a swing at the bandolier, and possibly the payload bay, but thought we should have it recorded so it's not just in my head.

Solarswordsman commented 5 years ago

Ah yeah, I did remove Alchemicals, I seem to have glazed over the Technician's analogous feature. I can add it back in pretty easily and it'll work with the data you have. For the Payload Bay, I can make an analog to the Alchemicals section within the vehicle section, just put another key in the technician object for those items (if there are defaults? If not, it can just be a manually-entered repeating section with the same functionality)