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Level 20 Features: Add Higher level SRD spells #342

Closed DubhHerder closed 1 year ago

DubhHerder commented 2 years ago

I didnt think it was worth opening individual issues for every single missing spell so here's a record of the higher level spells I've been working on, (will submit a PR when I've finished testing them) and the spells that will still need to be added. I've limited it to SRD spells as a core set.

I've focused only on spells that are achievable without patching and maybe the reasons for not implementing certain spells with aid anyone attempting to add patches for the omitted spells. Of the implemented spells, the visuals might need reworking but the effects should be accurate.

7th Level Primary reason for lack of 7th level spells is that the devs are more likely to do 7th level spells next so not a great use of time

Name Status
Arcane Sword doable, no floating sword model available for the required effect proxy visual models (could reuse spiritual weapon, maybe blade barrier would be more in theme even if it's not a solid single weapon like arcane sword, maybe layer the two together?)
Conjure Celestial Implemented - using spell casting instead of at will and limited/day powers (doable but tedious for little difference). No shapechanging as game didnt like when a monster changed shaped (it got an additional initiative in the initiative order
Delayed Blast Fireball no ability to create trigger-able trap via spells in base game and no timing feature to increase damage
Divine Word Implemented - using patch to allow custom effects rather than base game features
Etherealness haven't tried to implement as the base game code doesn't make use of existing enum movemode.Incorporeal
Finger of Death Implemented - damage only, cant target both an individual to damage and a position to summon zombie in the same effect
Fire Storm doable but effects cant target multiple AOE in a single spell , could implement as a stronger version of wall of fire with multiple shape options, rather than distinct effectproxy cubes
Forcecage wall of force not implemented so movement blocker possibly not working, not tested
Magnificent Mansion N/A for combat game
Mirage Arcane N/A for combat game
Plane Shift N/A for combat game
Prismatic Spray game doesn't have capability to vary effect via dice rolling
Project Image N/A for combat game
Regenerate doable, avg healing of 40 points total makes the spell bad for 7th when you cannot lose body parts in game
Resurrection Implemented - by Devs in base game
Reverse Gravity Implemented - fall damage for game seems to be limited to 1D6 no matter the height , same as when fly concentration is dropped
Sequester N/A for combat game
Simulacrum no mechanic to create double of unique player character/would need patch
Symbol game doesn't have mechanics to create trigger-able traps via spells, could implement as a zone effect but dont think there's a way to delay the 10 min effect until being triggered
Teleport N/A for combat game with over-world map travel

8th Level

Name Status
Animal Shapes game hangs with multiple targets for shapechanging,
Antimagic Field game can only silence/prevent characters from casting as far as i know, not prevent all magical effects: spells from outside field , magic items etc
Antipathy /Sympathy Doable, lack of interest/time, needs new ai decisions and even then monster would have Antipathy/Sympathy to all party members rather than only caster
Clone N/A for combat game
Control Weather N/A for combat game
Demiplane N/A for combat game
Dominate Monster Implemented
Earthquake N/A for combat game - game cant damage structures ,cant open fissures, cant limit damage to characters near buildings
Feeblemind Implemented
Glibness lack of interest as not much use in solasta, especially when 8th level spells might ever only be available in custom dungeons not official campaigns and glibness might not be much use in custom dungeons
Holy Aura Implemented
Incendiary Cloud Implemented
Maze Implemented
Mind Blank Implemented
Power Word Stun Implemented
Sunburst Implemented

9th Level

Name Status
Astral Projection N/A for combat game
Foresight Implemented
Gate N/A for combat game
Imprisonment N/A for combat game, would be the same as banishment
Mass Heal Implemented
Meteor Swarm Implemented - only 1 target area, effects cant target multiple AOE in a single spell, and damage doesnt stack anyway so not a huge nerf unless combat is extremely spread out
Power Word Kill Implemented
Prismatic Wall wall of force not implemented so movement blocker possibly not working, especially with multiple separate cancelling requirements and effects
Shapechange Implemented
Storm of Vengeance could possibly implement as a series of subsequent conditions but then no way for concentration to cancel subsequent conditions or limit chained conditions to a defined area as far as i know
Time Stop Implemented - freezing all characters individually besides caster rather than time itself
True Polymorph game doesn't like shapechanging PCs other than caster
True Resurrection N/A for combat game, already covered by 7th level version
Weird Implemented
Wish most effects are doable but all the different effects/options are complicated for UI (would require patching UI to allow nested subspells or equivalent) and tedious to create for 1 spell

Edit : i guess it could go under the level20 label but i'm not sure how to apply it as labels aren't available to me. Thanks.

Edit 2: table updated to reflect current status

ChrisPJohn commented 2 years ago

Several of these currently impossible spells should be do-able with:

When I have time I might grab one to implement.

ChrisPJohn commented 2 years ago

Divine Word is in: #293

DubhHerder commented 2 years ago

409 adds the following

// 7th lvl FingerOfDeath ReverseGravity ConjureCelestial

// 8th lvl DominateMonster Feeblemind HolyAura IncendiaryCloud Maze MindBlank PowerWordStun SunBurst

// 9th lvl Foresight MassHeal MeteorSwarm_SingleTarget PowerWordHeal PowerWordKill TimeStop Shapechange Weird

ChrisPJohn commented 2 years ago

With so many done or not really applicable I wanted to make it a little easier to see what there was here to work on. I left the ones in the list that from the description may have room to improve to be closer to the table top version.

7th Level Primary reason for lack of 7th level spells is that the devs are more likely to do 7th level spells next so not a great use of time

Name Status
Arcane Sword doable, no floating sword model available for the required effect proxy visual models (could reuse spiritual weapon, maybe blade barrier would be more in theme even if it's not a solid single weapon like arcane sword, maybe layer the two together?)
Conjure Celestial Implemented - using spell casting instead of at will and limited/day powers (doable but tedious for little difference). No shapechanging as game didnt like when a monster changed shaped (it got an additional initiative in the initiative order
Delayed Blast Fireball no ability to create trigger-able trap via spells in base game and no timing feature to increase damage
Etherealness haven't tried to implement as the base game code doesn't make use of existing enum movemode.Incorporeal
Finger of Death Implemented - damage only, cant target both an individual to damage and a position to summon zombie in the same effect
Fire Storm doable but effects cant target multiple AOE in a single spell , could implement as a stronger version of wall of fire with multiple shape options, rather than distinct effectproxy cubes
Forcecage wall of force not implemented so movement blocker possibly not working, not tested
Magnificent Mansion I'm leaving this on the list because it could be used to create a long rest spot where the player chooses
Prismatic Spray game doesn't have capability to vary effect via dice rolling
Regenerate doable, avg healing of 40 points total makes the spell bad for 7th when you cannot lose body parts in game
Reverse Gravity Implemented - fall damage for game seems to be limited to 1D6 no matter the height , same as when fly concentration is dropped
Simulacrum no mechanic to create double of unique player character/would need patch
Symbol game doesn't have mechanics to create trigger-able traps via spells, could implement as a zone effect but dont think there's a way to delay the 10 min effect until being triggered

8th Level

Name Status
Animal Shapes game hangs with multiple targets for shapechanging,
Antimagic Field game can only silence/prevent characters from casting as far as i know, not prevent all magical effects: spells from outside field , magic items etc
Antipathy /Sympathy Doable, lack of interest/time, needs new ai decisions and even then monster would have Antipathy/Sympathy to all party members rather than only caster
Glibness lack of interest as not much use in solasta, especially when 8th level spells might ever only be available in custom dungeons not official campaigns and glibness might not be much use in custom dungeons

9th Level

Name Status
Imprisonment This is similar to banishment, but fills a different niche (and targets a different save). That said I wonder if it's worthwhile to implement given the 1 minute casting time.
Meteor Swarm Implemented - only 1 target area, effects cant target multiple AOE in a single spell, and damage doesnt stack anyway so not a huge nerf unless combat is extremely spread out
Prismatic Wall wall of force not implemented so movement blocker possibly not working, especially with multiple
Storm of Vengeance could possibly implement as a series of subsequent conditions but then no way for concentration to cancel subsequent conditions or limit chained conditions to a defined area as far as i know
True Polymorph game doesn't like shapechanging PCs other than caster
True Resurrection I'm leaving this here because it does work even when there is no body (I don't think that's possible in Solasta right now though)
Wish most effects are doable but all the different effects/options are complicated for UI (would require patching UI to allow nested subspells or equivalent) and tedious to create for 1 spell
DubhHerder commented 2 years ago

Imprisonment I agree it targets a different niche but im not sure if the niche it targets is present in the game. Additionally, casting a spell at a monster triggers a fight, casting a minute spell triggers a wait, and you cant cast minute long spells during a fight so i'm not sure how or if that would interact. Seems like it would trigger two different events clashing (not that i know how events are handled) .

True Resurrection Disintergration is the only spell i know of that removes the body (using ConditionDisintegrated.disolveCharacterOnDeath:true) and it's not given to any current base game monster so it doesnt effect the party unless they are fighting the modded in Lich from DM pro. Beyond that the Devs have already buffed regular old Resurrection to remove ConditionDisintegrated when reviving the dead PC, which is why i considered it to already cover what True Resurrection does. There might be other ways to remove the body i forgot beyond disintegration.