SolderedElectronics / Inkplate-6-hardware

Open Source Hardware (OSH) files for e-paper display Inkplate 6
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Please make actual source files available #5

Open sebastius opened 4 years ago

sebastius commented 4 years ago

Hi, this is not open-source hardware. I love the concept behind Inkplate and i'd love to contribute in the design. Sadly you've not published the actual source files, so i cannot contribute to your work. Please publish your sources, and also publish your iteration commits so we can see the design evolve and help out!

sebastius commented 4 years ago

Oh another bit: you're not even including the component layout. So When you make these PCBs yourself, you have to reverse engineer the BOM+Schematic to figure out which bit goes where.

This is not open source hardware. Far from it even.

bbernhard commented 3 years ago

I would also be interested in the eagle(?) files, in order to do some small modifications. Are there plans to opensource those files too? @davidzovko

dk5ra commented 3 years ago

also interested! @davidzovko would be lovely

c5e3 commented 3 years ago

where is the pcb-layout source file of your cad software? @davidzovko @Thorinair

ziguana commented 3 years ago

any updates on this?

SamantazFox commented 3 years ago

Bump, I'd like to see the sources too!

Please provide Eagle/KiCad schematics and PCB design files, and BOM as CSV, not proprietary XLSX!

davidzovko commented 2 years ago

Sorry not to publish the original source files. The files which we have are unavailable to be published publicly because of the software error which we have in Altium. We must redraw it in KiCad and afterwards, we will share it.

tiri commented 2 years ago

I'd also like to see the source files publicly. Will they be released in the near future?

davidzovko commented 2 years ago

Hi, yes, we are doing a redraw in KiCad and will publish them as soon as they are ready. We estimate about 2 months to get this done.

tiri commented 2 years ago

Sounds awesome! Are you also going to publish also the 10" Inkplate source files?

davidzovko commented 2 years ago

We are going to redo all board, incl. 10, in KiCAD and Soldered branding and release them here on our GitHub.

schroedi83 commented 1 year ago

Any update on this?

tommy-hartmann commented 1 year ago

I bought the Inkplate6 just recently. I also printed the Case and and had to realize that it does not fit. It would be nice to at least have a note in the Readme that there is a new version pf the board.

I am also interested which GPIO pin is used for the wakup button. Could we at least have a screenshot of the PCB Design? Thanks!

c5e3 commented 1 year ago

i have the parts since more than 2 years, i think i'll just throw them away

ifadiga commented 1 year ago


Sorry for the problem with the wrong files for 3D model and schematics.

As David said before we working on new branding and doing all our boards in KiCad. We will be finished some of them for publishing on GitHub.

Next week we will have files for Inkplate 10. For the other Inkplate boards, I will put schematics and 3D models here in the comment until we publish all files.

ifadiga commented 1 year ago

Hello Here are the schematics for the four Inkplate that we finished. That are schematics for the new version of Inkplate. We fixed some things on it, but it is similar to the old one. If you need old schematics for some reason, tell me, and I can send you a PDF file. When asked for a schematic, write which GPIO expander you have on board and which branding (e-radionica or Soldered).

Soldered Inkplate 10 Schematics.pdf Soldered Inkplate6 Schematics.pdf Soldered Inkplate 6COLOR Schematics.pdf Soldered Inkplate 6PLUS Schematics.pdf

We are working on some details for the 3D case, and when finished, I will send it to you.

ifadiga commented 1 year ago

We published files for our new Inkplate 10 board. You can see them on the link

olalid commented 1 year ago

I have just printed 3D case from files in the repository only to realise that it is not at all compatible with the board I just bought. The mechanical drawings are also not for the board I bought. When can we expect correct drawings and/or 3D model to be available?

ifadiga commented 1 year ago

Hello, Sorry for the wrong file for Inkplate.

We working on the process for updating hardware files on GitHub and I hope that it will be done this week then all files will be available on our GitHub.

rosspointon commented 6 months ago

@ifadiga - is there any update on the availability of the updated Inkplate 6 case 3d printable design? I just bought a replacement board without an enclosure thinking I could re-use my existing case but the hardware size/layout has changed.

rosspointon commented 6 months ago

actually this library looks like it has the updated versions - its just quite hidden -

samuk commented 4 months ago

Is there somewhere I could find the inkplate5 design files please? I've searched github but I don't see them anywhere

hardware The 'hardware files' link actually goes to the Arduino library

ifadiga commented 4 months ago


We've recently changed our storage system, and as a result, we don't yet have a repository for Inkplate 5. Due to these changes, I can't determine when the automatic repository setup will function as it did before.

For now, I'll send all the files in a zip file. Soldered Inkplate