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Hello dude #2

Open EufranioDiogo opened 3 years ago

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

Hi dude, hope that you're doing ok, could I know what kind of stuff in programming that you have interest?

Soldy commented 3 years ago

HI ! For fun : A.I. things and games (ADA, Rust, R, D ). For work : javascript (reactjs, nodejs), php (laravel, symfony) LAMP, Kubernetes ...

And u ?

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

Super awesome, A.I is one of the fields that one day I would love to study and learn about this.

In my case I have been on front-end development with HTML, CSS, JS and Vue.js, and sometimes posting something about python, java or something that I did.

Soldy commented 3 years ago

do You know greasemonkey ?

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

I took a look before answer, and now I think that I know is it a web browser extension that allows me to personalize my view of some websites?

Soldy commented 3 years ago

Yes it is.

i just thinking to fork it :D

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

:smile: 😄 cool dude, try to do it, are planning to add a new stuff right there?

Soldy commented 3 years ago

:P Something like that. I want to use vim for scripting :)

what is your favourite IDE ?

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

Cool, study it and after this put the hands on lol, you can do it.

My favourite IDE is VSCode(now), but sometimes when I need to work on Java project I use Netbeans.

What about you?

Soldy commented 3 years ago

The VSCode was a terrible for me. slow.... really slow. At the moment I use vim. (Some day I have to write 4-5000 lines, that impossible with vscode) I also worked with netbeans for years. Can do everything. Ai things. Which lang ?

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

I never had problems with VS for me it's working well, Vim is cool but the learning curve is so high, I just know the basic of it like how to edit a text and save it, because sometimes I don't have VS with me I can use vim only for solve a small thing

AI things, I already tried to study about AI but I felt overwhelmed, not understanding nothing, but now I getting a new subject at university that introduce to AI and I'm learning about agents, prolog, graphs, trees and this kind of stuff.

Cool project that you could show to me?

Soldy commented 3 years ago

Cool AI things ???

I don't have any cool AI.

My coolest things right now :

For the AI base code development i have the dragon but not useful at the moment.

You have something cool?

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

Dude sorry about my delay, but I'm back, I liked so much the trollhand the idea is so cool I'm gonna test it I liked, congrats 😎 . The retard I think that I don't have any knowledge about react.js and I didn't get so well the concept and the purpose of the retard, but I would be thankful if you explain more about it I would like to know.

openDragon yeah I notice that when I was searching some stuff on your repos I saw it and the name puts a lot attention and I saw that it's a AI thing and I really liked the way that you organize your code it's awesome, clean and ease to read.

In my case those are some projects that I like: -> A countries Quiz game that I learned a lot about Vue and new ways to automatize your code. -> I think that it's one of the stuff that I really loved to create, basically I was in a trouble that my downloads folder was full of stuff man, a lot of really and I decided to solve my problem and I tried to do it manually but man not easy and I tried to use my programming skills to solve the problem of organize everything on the right place every time and it would work when some new stuff arrive at my downloads folder and I did it, I really liked the experience really, and also loved because some of my friends are using it on their computers and they to me that it's really helpful. -> When I was a kid loved to play Rock Paper and Scissor and I tried to get that nostalgic moment with my new skills and I did it.

Soldy commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I had a complicated week. The country quiz :) I like it. A little bit too way to long never end ... And have a couple spello. Like macao vs macau. But is good. Do you wan to put this to my social site ? :) Download organizer is a good idea. But with the current broadband speeds not really useful any more. And the code a little bit chaotic. Sorry for that :(
I guess you know that but check it: wget an old and most popular etc curl native simple http tool A small amount of history : get right flashget gozilla!Zilla where is the multi player version ??? :) and I have a problem with the menu. is not english :)

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

Thanks so much dude about the feedback

Yeah you can add it to your social site ;-) Lol yeah I can understand your point of view about Download Organizer, and you told that the code is chaotic let's refactor it lol ;-) Yeah about wget and curl I already knew but I took a look at the links that you putted here and I learned. Get right, flashget and gozilla I took a look man History and it was really nice read.

Lol lol, Rock Paper and Scissor is in Portuguese, the multi player version I thought about it but I didn't see a way to do it man, do you know how could I?

Soldy commented 3 years ago

Well I am happy if YOU add this to my social site :)

I am sorry to say not the chaotic code the real problem. That's just happen. Just not really useful in this time. But if you support the youtube-dl :) That should be cool.

Do it multiplayer its easy. I give you a hint. You need a server. And you already use JavaScript so.: nodejjs is your friend the easiest way to do is the web-socket some npm package can help like ws You can use http2 : You can use http2 Or can do the hardest way: webrtc

The problem is you have to build a server. But please do an English version too :D

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

How can I add it bro? You will or I will?

Lol not all bro, I understand perfectly ;-) now you say about youtube-dl, let's take a look on that it seams to be a good project.

Cool a really nice Hint, and it seams to be a very good opportunity to deal again with nodejs lol (frontend dev trying to learn backend), and I'll follow your Hint @Soldy thanks

About the English Version lol, I'll do it bro

Soldy commented 3 years ago

I send an invite to to the :D This is my own social network :) The world smallest social network :D

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

Lol I took a look and it was telling to me to press de magic button and I said "What is the magic button? The mouse right button the left one or the space bar or the enter" and none of them worked, but hoping to use it .

Soldy commented 3 years ago

This is a social network for smart ones. Have multiple solutions. But i give you a tip : The answer in your screen (something is not right in your screen if you type the url.). Not in your keyboard :) After you find it I give u an invite :)

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

Lol, Let's see it lol! undefined

Soldy commented 3 years ago

ok I give you an other help :) The undefined is not an accident :)

Soldy commented 3 years ago

ohh come on :D Do not share a secret if u find it :D Good job :)

Soldy commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay friend. I am still not have time to go to batgle. First I have to clean this : Do you have time to help ???

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

Hi bro, don't matter about that I'm also busy and without a lot of activity here at github

About the project could you explain to me what techs are you using and how could I help ?

Soldy commented 3 years ago

I had a crash problem with the grease monkey. I use mostly for visible demonstration of my work projects. I find what is the problem. The tinybind. That's bad because I cant fix it. So i have to remove it. Well i already touched the code i planning to add a couple extra.

Here is the new fork:

EufranioDiogo commented 3 years ago

Soldy sorry bro, sorry, assignments are coming, and not a lot of time to code other projects, but soon as possibly I'll be here and I'll try to see the purplemonkey ;-)