imported AsyncStorage from react native that let me use localStorage
imported useEffect that tells React that my component needs to do something after render
ALL_EXPENCES is gone because now initial state is showing the content of my storage or is an empty array
empty array because list of items is receiving data from expenses state and it wouldn't like a state as null
initializeData is getting data from storage using getItem method from AsyncStorage and parsing them using a JS method JSON.parse (meaning transforming data from string into JS objects )
and is also updating expenses state with storedExpenses if existing or empty array
useEffect function is getting sure that initializeData is running after render
setItem is doing exactly opposite of getItem ; is updating the storage with new data and at same time JSON.stringify is translating them into strings
TODO : The app isn't behaving the way it should , when restarting the app all data should still be visible on the list but last item it's not
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