The plugin currently doesn't support custom paths and orders set in the AddComponentMenu attribute. It is not difficult to implement though. A general idea is like this: Copy the custom values set in generic MonoBehaviour's AddComponentMenu attribute to the AddComponentMenu attribute of BehaviourSelector and concrete classes. However, generic arguments must be added to the name. For example:
[AddComponentMenu("Scripts/CustomPath/CustomName", 0)
public class GenericBehaviour<T> { }
The path added to BehaviourSelector must be "Scripts/CustomPath/CustomName", and for each concrete class it will be like "Scripts/CustomPath/CustomName". Also, paths that don't start with Scripts must be prohibited because they don't allow setting custom names to components (the ones you see above the component fields in the inspector).
The workflow can be like this:
AddComponentMenu values are added to GenericTypeInfo when a new generic MonoBehaviour appears (Most likely, it will require to split GenericTypeInfo into BehaviourInfo and ScriptableObjectInfo that derive from the common parent).
AddComponentMenu values are compared in BehaviourChecker.Check().
If they differ, BehaviourSelector and all concrete classes of this generic MonoBehaviour are regenerated with the new component path or order.
The plugin currently doesn't support custom paths and orders set in the AddComponentMenu attribute. It is not difficult to implement though. A general idea is like this: Copy the custom values set in generic MonoBehaviour's AddComponentMenu attribute to the AddComponentMenu attribute of BehaviourSelector and concrete classes. However, generic arguments must be added to the name. For example:
The path added to BehaviourSelector must be "Scripts/CustomPath/CustomName", and for each concrete class it will be like "Scripts/CustomPath/CustomName". Also, paths that don't start with Scripts must be prohibited because they don't allow setting custom names to components (the ones you see above the component fields in the inspector).
The workflow can be like this: