SolidGoldStudios / SecretSymphony

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Add ❗️icons to questgivers in town #429

Closed melanie closed 3 years ago

melanie commented 3 years ago

NPCs who give an important quest should have ! icons over their head:

Screen Shot 2021-07-31 at 6 35 04 PM

To do this, an NPC needs to have a StartDialogue script attached, with four fields filled out:

Dialog Box just needs you to drag in the Dialog Box from the scene's UI Canvas: 2021-07-31 18 41 58

Knot Name is a reference to a knot in an inky file, which starts with a line of test that looks like ==my_knot_name==. Leave out the equals signs when you refer to it in the Start Dialogue script.

Check Quest Giver.

Quest Name is looking for two variables in the file: ready_for_some_quest and has_some_quest, where some_quest is what you've put in that Quest Name field. If this quest is for one of the 15 instruments, these variables are probably already in the Main Story file - if so, you don't need to do anything!

If you're starting with an NPC that has an NPCOneLiner, you can take their text and move it to an inky file for that instrument or quest. So, if the NPC's old one-liner was "I'm nuts for the tuba!", you can do as follows:

  1. Remove the NPCOneLiner script from the squirrel
  2. Create a new Ink file in Resources/Dialog/Chapters called Tuba
  3. Link the new Tuba file at the top of the MainStory file
  4. In the new Tuba ink file, for the first line, write ==tubaquest_squirrel==
  5. On the next line, write the old "I'm nuts for the tuba!" line.
  6. On the same line, add the tag #name:Squirrel to make it show a portrait and a nameplate
  7. On the next line, write ->END to tell Ink that the dialog is over. Save the file.
  8. Back on the squirrel's StartDialog script, type tubaquest_squirrel into the Knot Name field
  9. Check Quest Giver
  10. Type in tuba_quest for the Quest Name field, and ensure that ready_for_tuba_quest and has_tuba_quest are defined in MainStory.
  11. Done! So long as ready_for_tuba_quest is set to true, and has_tuba_quest is false, the squirrel will show the quest icon.
melanie commented 3 years ago
