SolidLabResearch / generic-data-viewer-react-admin

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cors problem when querying over jsonld file with vc #131

Closed elsdvlee closed 2 months ago

elsdvlee commented 3 months ago

No results for queries over jsonld resources with VC. image

mvanbrab commented 3 months ago

Explanation of the CORS problem:


So... what's happening here? Maybe some extra testcase info will help.

mvanbrab commented 3 months ago

This happens on the, logged in as


(The Accept header in the request is as intended)

mvanbrab commented 2 months ago

Info: same exercise on works. Is this an issue of the playground?

bjdmeest commented 2 months ago

This happens on the, logged in as


(The Accept header in the request is as intended)

What's the actual result when you're logged in? nquads or jsonld? Maybe the playground for some reason can't handle graphs?

mvanbrab commented 2 months ago

On the Solid Playground, the returned content type is application/ld+json. On our CSS it is application/n-quads. Same code calling in both cases, same request headers etc...

Many details in illustrations below.


When logged in to CSS



Headers on the GET of products


When logged in to Solid Playground:



Headers on the GET of products


Viewer configuration and query used



bjdmeest commented 2 months ago

The only thing I can think of is that the playground for some reason doesn't support quads, and you could try accept: text/turtle before jsonld to see whether that solves it. turtle is a MUST for LDP, so we should at least assume every server can handle that one

mvanbrab commented 2 months ago

More observations:

original (goes wrong, returns application/ld+json)

Accept: application/n-quads,application/trig;q=0.95,application/ld+json;q=0.9,application/n-triples;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.1

original modified: delta between q factors 0.1 (works, returns application/n-quads)

Accept: application/n-quads,application/trig;q=0.9,application/ld+json;q=0.8,application/n-triples;q=0.7,*/*;q=0.1

original modified: delta between q factors 0.1 and replaced application/ld+json with text/turtle (works, returns application/n-quads)

Accept: application/n-quads,application/trig;q=0.9,text/turtle;q=0.8,application/n-triples;q=0.7,*/*;q=0.1

The problem is that in contrast with the CSS's (v7.0.2) on, the CSS in the Solid Playground (v7.x.x) does not follow q factor priorities as expected with the q values in the original Accept header we were using. This seems solved by changing the q factors so that they differ at least 0.1, see the second Accept header above. I filed an issue for that in the CSS repo.

Finally, for the viewer I'll use the third Accept header, not mentioning application/ld+json at all.