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Document sharing workflow experiment #42

Open InruptKelly opened 4 years ago

InruptKelly commented 4 years ago

This is a separate workflow immediately following #41

GOAL I have just uploading notes from a meeting and would like to alert the other meeting attendees so they can review the notes.

Step 1 I'm looking at my file within a list of other files.

Screen Shot 2019-07-31 at 10 59 46 AM

Nothing obvious to do except click the triangle button so I do that. I see the content of my .txt file in a box within the file structure.

Screen Shot 2019-07-31 at 11 01 12 AM

Observation: I am still in this view where I can see the entire folder structure of, and my file within in it. Is this useful to me? I'm trying to do something specifically with this file, so I don't really care what folder I'm in.

Step 2 There do not appear to be any tools to help me get a URL for this file that I can share with others, or to share it with them directly from this databrowser screen.

Ah! But then I happen to hover over the area next to the filename and see a list of icons appear. I hover again over an icon of a lock and see that a popup dialogue box calls it "sharing." That seems promising. Click.

Screen Shot 2019-07-31 at 11 11 37 AM

Hmm ok, I see information about the default sharing settings. That's useful. It appears that the people I want to share the file with already have access (because I know they're part of the "inrupt team"). But why does it say Inrupt Team twice?

Step 3 So it's good that I know the people I want to share with already have access, but I still need to alert them to the fact that I recently uploaded this document. Otherwise they're never going to look at this file way down in this folder. Maybe this little circle icon with the arrow next to "Inrupt Team" will help me share a link to the file with that team? Click.

Screen Shot 2019-07-31 at 11 17 13 AM

Oh no. Where am I now? I'm at

This appears to be some sort of blank profile page for an indeterminate entity known as Inrupt Team. Not what I was looking for.

Step 4 Because I personally have been here before and know this little trick, I drag the filename out of the folder structure and into my browser bar. This provides me with a direct URL to the document that I can copy and paste in other channels to alert the team.

mikeadams1 commented 4 years ago

@InruptKelly Is there a specific issue you are reporting, something that is not working or are you just recording your observations?

mikeadams1 commented 4 years ago