SolidOS / money-pane

Insight in your personal finance data
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Use AccountHistoryChunk#mixIn for printSubView #37

Open michielbdejong opened 3 years ago

michielbdejong commented 3 years ago

The current code would match floater transactions even if they're years apart. Let's set a max date skew of say 7 calendar days, and not match if the difference is bigger than that.

Also, the floater-matching code should move from run.js to a newly created class MultiChunkAccountHistory.

michielbdejong commented 3 years ago

Don't try to match if only one of the two accounts is in-chunk for the date of that mutation.

michielbdejong commented 3 years ago

Primary channels can be:

Secondary channels can be:

Tertiary channels can be:

if you link a WieBetaaltWat entry to a bank statement entry, make sure to de-dupe it. Also you may have seen the payment in a shop's billing history.

Direct netting:

Indirect: Alice -> Bank -> Shop Alice -> Bank -> Bank -> Shop Alice -> Bank -> Bank -> Bank -> Shop etc.