When using npm run watch and trying to change code, git add, git commit, and push code to GitHub, you get type errors. However, the exact same code will not give these same type errors when the repo is standalone (not within solidos). I believe it is also the case that it will push without type errors if you run npm run build within the workspaces/repo-name. I need to test this.
When using npm run watch and trying to change code, git add, git commit, and push code to GitHub, you get type errors. However, the exact same code will not give these same type errors when the repo is standalone (not within solidos). I believe it is also the case that it will push without type errors if you run npm run build within the workspaces/repo-name. I need to test this.
Here is a screen shot of the errors https://files.gitter.im/5ee917dbd73408ce4fe71415/6SVO/Screen-Shot-2021-09-04-at-8.25.45-pm.png